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Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by Colosseum
If you drew them from builder's plans then that's great and I retract my statement about not knowing the details.
I still stand by what I have said about how you need to take this somewhere else as it is not Shipbucket art.
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 10:11 pm
by MihoshiK
Blackbuck wrote:Honestly, don't waste your breath (so to speak). You aren't going to get anywhere soon.
Oh, quite soon at least one of us is going somewhere.
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 10:16 pm
by TimothyC
Dima11 wrote:And a small remark. 6000 of visits. 150 per day. Not a bad vote for "ugly, ugly, lackuned, without serious research on..." something.
Don't use that as a metric to support yourself - some of those views are me making sure there isn't anything happening in the thread to cause problems.
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 10:24 pm
by MihoshiK
TimothyC wrote:Dima11 wrote:And a small remark. 6000 of visits. 150 per day. Not a bad vote for "ugly, ugly, lackuned, without serious research on..." something.
Don't use that as a metric to support yourself - some of those views are me making sure there isn't anything happening in the thread to cause problems.
By his metric 4chan's /b/ should be one of the most awesome sites on the internet.
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 10:29 pm
by Colosseum
Spending "30 minutes" per submarine and "5 hours" per battleship is not impressive and doesn't really lead me to believe that you are a careful researcher, but rather just someone who traces the builder's plans. This makes your art basically no more impressive than a child tracing a photo in a book.
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 7th, 2013, 11:29 pm
by Dima11
Hey, you are serious people?
Continue to love yourself
Re: Sorry) Just ships
Posted: April 8th, 2013, 6:25 am
by acelanceloet
listen, if you copy the builders plans exactly, then what exactly is the purpose of your art above the builders plans?
most people here spend weeks, if not months, researching every aspect of the drawing, checking if it is important to include and how to display it. in your drawings I see for example masts which are lighter coloured (and thus less visible) then the wires supporting and leading to it. now again, dare to say your ships are more accurate representations.
neither is more accurate, but the shipbucket style is more easy to understand, you immediately see what is shown due to slight exaggeration. I do not say your drawings are bad, but resizing them to shipbucket scale doesn't work and I don't see the purpose of it. keeping them larger makes them a lot better, without most of those black blobs. that was more or less the point I wanted to make.
also, on the pageview issue, people like me look up these pages every time you post something new, because I check always which new posts are made. an better parameter for succes on this forum would be the comments of people that really like your drawings, or, more importantly, work uploaded on the main site.