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Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 4th, 2011, 9:22 pm
by acelanceloet
it was not my plan to put it in the bow

I was just giving an example.....
still toying with it now.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 4th, 2011, 9:29 pm
by Thiel
Not saying you were. However, like all other modern ships, be they merchant or navy, the Holland class is designed to have its engines in a certain position. Moving it about will play merry hell on the hull.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 4th, 2011, 9:41 pm
by heuhen
Did you know that ships with Ramform hull as the FS Marjata have. has the engine in the bow!
However, your ship looks good.
As we used to say on the job: "You can have the engine in the bed, and still be able to produce power for the propellers!" ... hinery.JPG ... e_zoom.JPG ... _071409_PE

Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 9th, 2011, 9:40 pm
by acelanceloet

another new ship: the elvira class light cruiser. these ships were build as flagships for the early utopian navy, which consisted only 6 frigates before that. these ships were finished just before the first utopian war ended, in 1997. more of an background story will come once I finish this ship
you will most likely think: for an ship build in that time, it is way to heavy gunned and way to light armed with missiles. on that I will say: correct. utopia was an relatively new nation, and nobody wanted to sell them their best stuff, like standard missiles or mk41's. because the utopian navy still wanted an large attack power, an setup with many guns was chosen. for air defence an 8 cell MK48 launcher was added, and for antiship they bought an canister for 8 missiles from the dutch. missiles were also supplied out of their own inventory. later in the war utopia had it's own missile designs, so this was only an short term solution.
comments? please keep in mind the background, and also the fact that I only just began, the drawing is nowwhere near it's finished shape, and then I don't even talk about detailing

Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 9th, 2011, 9:46 pm
by Thiel
The chances of no-one wanting to sell you frontline stuff is minute unless your a pariah like Iran. If the US won't sell, the Ruskies probably will, if they don't, the Chinese will, if they don't, the South Africans will, if they don't France will, if they don't, so on and so forth.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 9th, 2011, 9:49 pm
by acelanceloet
Thiel wrote:The chances of no-one wanting to sell you frontline stuff is minute unless your a pariah like Iran. If the US won't sell, the Ruskies probably will, if they don't, the Chinese will, if they don't, the South Africans will, if they don't France will, if they don't, so on and so forth.
I don't said they sold nothing. I meant they didn't sell the best stuff like the standard missile, aegis etc.... and that was an good bet on part of the US, russia and france, because 2 years after these ships were build, they were at war with utopia.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 9th, 2011, 11:01 pm
by Thiel
If you manage to go to war with Russia, the US and France at the same time you don't survive, it's that simple. Especially not with equipment like that.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 10th, 2011, 7:19 am
by acelanceloet
I am not going to argue AGAIN about the plausabilitie of my book, but
- cold war ended in economical crisis > US and russia and france have a lot smaller armed forces
- by then, utopia has beter ships with own weapon technology
- by then, utopia has more allies.
I am still writing an (changed) background story, and although realism isn't my strong point, it COULD HAVE HAPPENED!
Any further discussion on this wil be ignored, now back on the ship.
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 10th, 2011, 8:29 am
by Vossiej
That Elvira class looks like a very interesting concept. However, you might want to consider using more advanced SEWACO available during that time. For instance, you could use the early APAR radar. As the Dutch are your Ally in the beginning of the nation, you could use some aspects used in the early LCF designs. I have nothing more to say about it actually, I love the heavy-gun concept, I see some Italian influence, is it not?
Re: Winged Heroes
Posted: March 10th, 2011, 8:57 am
by Thiel
So to summarize your scenario involves a country that:
-Has little to no heavy industry
-No shipbuilding industry
-Is political unstable (Take a look at Nicaragua's recent history)
-Is placed right next to one of the US's most strategically important assets
-Is Neo-Communist
-only source of tech during a war is China (The Netherlands being busy with being occupied by the French and quite possibly the Germans)
-whose main ally only has a coastal navy (No oceanic navy if your biggest neighbour is getting ready to invade)
-has a population of maybe 8 million (I'm being very charitable here)
-has no source of income (Everybody gave up their fortunes when they got there)
-is at war with three of the biggest military powers in the world.
-has build a super carrier and developed working carrier ops in less than 20 years
Ace, I like your designs, but don't try to defend your backstory.