FD scale vehicles 12

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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#151 Post by Laforest »

Beautiful bus Darth Panda, congratulations.

France, Berliet GDR 7


France, Matford F917

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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#152 Post by Laforest »

reytuerto wrote: September 27th, 2020, 3:14 pm Good morning, Laforest! Thanks for the "camions"! Very well done, and an important niche (the interwar a WWII French lorries) that was missing now is plenty of vehicles.
OH, the first row of soviet soldiers are girls! Nice detail! All Ochichornya? No blue eyes? :( :lol:
It will be very interesting look in your series a soviet soldier with the bolshevik budionovka, or the winter ushanka.
And please, if you have time, the Citroen DS (specially as executive car! Maybe President De Gaulle´s car? ;) )!!! Thanks and cheers!
Hi Reytuerto thanks for your comments, yes i will update Soviet troops in the future, but if some one want to do it will be great, for the Citroen DS i think is a post war car (i can be wrong so send me drawings or pictures if you can), i am doing world war 2 vehicles now, perhaps in the future but french staff cars come very soon.
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#153 Post by Albert1099 »

Guess Who's Back?
here's some spins of mine:

Romania, Dacia Duster

Brazil, Engesa EE-12

Brazil, Engesa EE-12
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Smile with the sad,
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#154 Post by darthpanda »

France - Renault AG1

Germany - Sd.Ah.105 Backanhänger

USA - M1917 Ford T Ambulance
- Victorian Navy - LINK
- ROC/Taiwan - 中華民國空軍 / 陸軍航特部 / 海軍航空兵 - LINK
- RHKAAF / HKGFS - 皇家香港輔助空軍 / 政府飛行服務隊
- Gunbucket - LINK

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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#155 Post by Sheepster »

Panhard 178 armoured car

Probably the most successful French armoured car, in production before, during, and after WWII.


Initially ordered for the French cavalry as the Automitrailleuse de Découverte Panhard Modèle 1935, with first deliveries only starting in early 1937. Highly advanced for its day, the only significant changes to the design were in the turret and armament.
Pre-war French doctrine had the vehicles not fitted with radios, instead 1 in 12 was to be an unarmed command vehicle with a fixed turret and long-range radios.
A version was designed for operations in North Africa, but differed from the standard version only in fitting of heavy-duty radiators. None of these vehicles ever reached North Africa, as with delays in receiving the radiators and turrets none had been completed as designed before the German invasion.
For colonial IndoChina a version was made with a smaller turret. Four were delivered to IndoChina and a least one was eventually captured by the Japanese. A second batch of 4 was also constructed, but again turret delivery problems meant they were not completed and instead delivered to the French Army turretless after the German invasion.
Panic programmes were instituted to create tank destroyers from the 178 as the panzers were already rolling across France. Renault designed a new manual turret to carry a heavier gun, but only 1 vehicle was built before Paris was evacuated. It was able to claim at least 2 tank kills before being destroyed by its own crew.
After the Armistice the Vichy government was permitted to retain the 178 for policing duties. These vehicles had their main gun removed, or operated completely without the turret.
Clandestine work continued on the 178, with Renault engineers designing a new turret for fitting to hulls hidden from the Germans. With the German occupation of all of France most of these vehicles were dumped in lakes, although some may have found their way to the French Resistance.
German took over captured 178's and used them within France and after the attack on the Soviet Union, on the eastern front. Better understanding the need for communications, most 178's were fitted with radios, although unarmed command vehicles were also used.
With the capture of Vichy vehicles they were also impressed into German service, with the unarmed vehicles being equipped with machine guns.
The Germans also trialed the 178 with an anti-tank gun, with some fitted with an open-topped canopy and a 50mm gun.
On the eastern front 43 vehicles were modified as draisines to provide railway protection.
In late 1944 another new turret was designed, and post-war production started with this turret, a new engine and radios as the 178B. Over 400 vehicles were used by France and the colonies, with French service ending in 1960 and use in Syria continuing until 1964.
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#156 Post by Toxic Loki »

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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#157 Post by eswube »

Excellent additions from everyone!
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#158 Post by Hood »

Great additions from everyone, the 1914 taxis are very cute!
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#159 Post by PomboCZ »

Challenger 2 - Rheinmetall upgrade
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Re: FD scale vehicles 12

#160 Post by Laforest »

France, Peugeot 202


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