Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#151 Post by DG_Alpha »

Hey, I was wondering if you would take a closer look at the enemy's of the greek fleet. Good job. One thing what I can say about the ship is the same as I said in Syzmo's thread: The Ar-196 has its floaters mirrowed. Also, I don't know if it is intentional or not, but the mast at the funnel is 'open' at the bottom.

Otherwise, since this AU was at one time in line with the KM46 AU, will Ashley's turkish ships (Osman Gazi and Vahdettin, I think) pop up at one time again?
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#152 Post by bezobrazov »

Ahhh, you know, DG, you did say that in your previous post. Now, would you mind and show me what exactly you mean, so that that error on the Arado can finally be corrected? You seem to be an expert on these matters, so your advice is highly regarded!

As for those ships mentioned, I have some thoughts about the so-called Vahdettin (though not with that name!), but the Osman? No, absolutely not, since it's a very unrealistic kitbashing of a US vessel, a circumstance, which I believe, would invalidate it. But I have plans for yet at least one more class of armored ships, and a class of heavy cruisers, and, possibly one or two of light cruisers.
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#153 Post by bezobrazov »

Thiel, you're so correct in your assumption. I haven't yet gotten into such details, as regards to the operational efficiency of the Turkish fleet, but you certainly are hinting in the right direction there - and I do believe, that I've hinted a little by the details of the Battle of Sinope etc, but more in-depth analysis will follow, so thank you for your insightful commentary!
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#154 Post by Thiel »

Thing is, short of towing them to a German yard, I'm not sure the engines could be put back in service in the timeframe you've specified. And that's assuming the engines were just flooded. Shock damage could mean the entire engine would have to be replaced completely.
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#155 Post by bezobrazov »

Well, Thiel, your assumption is again very acute. I'm not disagreeing with you. Now, in this AU, since Hellas did forge closer (much closer!) ties to the Western Powers, I'm allowing Turkey to, effectively, becoming a part of the Axis alliance, at least an informal one. Therefore there are a host of German engineers present, with machinery, tools, shops etc, since Hitler's entertaining the idea of using Turkey as a springboard into the Mid East. So, while the ships would've been sufficiently repaired by 1940, I do agree with you about their operational status, or the diminished such, hinted at, when I wrote that the one knot off (25 instead of 26) didn't really matter. Sometimes you need to read every line carefully to realize that such clues does exist, but then my AU is aimed at such highly intelligent and knowledgeable persons such as you!
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#156 Post by DG_Alpha »

Well, I would hardly consider myself an expert, but I seem to have an eye for details (and maybe a small case of OCD). Here's a quick comparison:

Compare to the real one:
The floaters are thicker at the front and extend far longer past the rotor.

I hope that helps. :D
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#157 Post by bezobrazov »

Very helpful indeed. Which of these version would you prefer to change the old out to?
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#158 Post by DG_Alpha »

Looking at it, I think I made some minor modifications to my version and since this is the one I used on my 'official' Königsberg drawing, I think this counts as an update. So this might be the appropriate version.
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Re: Royal Hellenic Navy's Cruiser Force 1925-41

#160 Post by bezobrazov »

Thanks, Ian! Coming from you makes it very appreciated! :D
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