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Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 28th, 2013, 10:34 pm
by Tounushifan
darthpanda wrote:
Good work so far!

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 28th, 2013, 11:19 pm
by Tounushifan
TimothyC wrote:eswube wrote:And overall - contrary to ships, currently there is no "official" upload of FD-scale drawings. It's just that occasionally Nighthunter is linking drawings to "Condensed FD Aircraft" thread - and He adds there the stuff that is available - and represents highest quality when there are several different drawings of same stuff.
Actually I'm working with Nighthunter and Klag at the moment to get an upload done. Expect news on it in the next couple of weeks.
But has anyone done the Do-17 yet?
Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 29th, 2013, 3:11 am
by Tounushifan
Several hours again, but it's good!
*Throws confetti* My ticket to the front page?

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 29th, 2013, 8:21 am
by Rhade
A triplepost ?!
Gods lad use edit button.
Tounushifan wrote:*Throws confetti* My ticket to the front page?
First, maybe start using standard template for FD designs.
Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 29th, 2013, 8:53 am
by eswube
1) As Rhade wrote - learn to use "edit" button. It's one thing when You made a comment, and next one several days later while there just so happens to be no other comments inbetween, and completely another when You just make several posts in a row - then it's effectively spamming.
2) Not bad, but remember that elements of wing mechanization (like these little "L" shaped things under the wings) should be outlined in black, as they are not carved on the wings surface. And I think that nose should be more downward-pointing, while shading on engines needs refinement.
P.S. It's up to us, the viewers, to declare if it's good or not.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 29th, 2013, 3:53 pm
by Tounushifan
eswube wrote:1) As Rhade wrote - learn to use "edit" button. It's one thing when You made a comment, and next one several days later while there just so happens to be no other comments inbetween, and completely another when You just make several posts in a row - then it's effectively spamming.
2) Not bad, but remember that elements of wing mechanization (like these little "L" shaped things under the wings) should be outlined in black, as they are not carved on the wings surface. And I think that nose should be more downward-pointing, while shading on engines needs refinement.
P.S. It's up to us, the viewers, to declare if it's good or not.

The websites I come from don't care about posting like that, but I'll watch it from now on.
And thanks. I was comparing the drawing to a small Japanese plane and added similar details. Everything down to the panels on the wings is correct. I think the nose is perfect, it was much flatter in the first run but I made it more round and sleek. The wing problem I will fix, you are right. I am not 100% sure what I can do to the engine shading, but I'll see what I can do.
For future reference I will not draw huge aircraft like this. Not even Luftwaffe ones. Ugh, so much work!
Okay, there's my airplanes. I have updated the other two to match my new skills. Any more improvements will update these posts.
Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 30th, 2013, 2:35 am
by squizzy
The Last of Lockheeds Commercial Prop liners and the mother of the P-3 Orion.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 30th, 2013, 6:42 am
by eswube
Shading of the engines should include the fact, that only that part of the nacelles that's under the wings should be in shade (and You have them all - exceplt upper and lower edge, of course - in one shade). Also, the shadow on the fuselage extends too much forward - it's casted by wing, which extends only roughly to the place above where the "big wheels" start - engines do not cast shadow on fuselage.
Great work!
Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 30th, 2013, 9:35 am
by Hood
Tounushifan, you've got some talent so keep at it. Don't be put off by tracing, its never as simple as purely copying the lines because we refer to photos etc. for details often missing on plans. Also don't be put off by size, sometimes smaller stuff is much harder to draw well.
Nice Electra Squizzy, nice to see some Western stuff to compete with eswube's Eastern Bloc types!
Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: June 30th, 2013, 5:50 pm
by Tounushifan
I understand these drawings are hard, but that Me-323 has a very correct name. Giant. It's huge! Too big for me. I'm surprised I finished it. No more big planes for me. I started working on the He P.1078A nazi jet. I'm pretty sure nobody did it yet. It's barely even started though, my computer crashed while drawing it twice. So it's not even a quarter done.
Can everyone tell me everything wrong with my drawings before I edit it and post it again and again 20 times?