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Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 1:45 pm
by BB1987
Well, I stand corrected (and I've must become blind). Is of little confort that most of them are placed on the back of the tubs and thus are not visible from the sides, yet, they are undeniably there :oops:

Oh, I forgot to say, I've managed to identify the "unknown" box on the back of the air-defense level. It was just a 24" searchlight *facepalm*. So I've chosen to remove it from the 1945 drawing as I didn't saw anything similar on other USN "fast" battleships.

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 3:09 pm
by Colosseum
Most of the helmets Colombamike has pointed out are actually racked M1 helmets (not the larger Mk.2 talker helmet). ;)

The "helmets" pointed out on the 01 level bulkhead just aft of the 20mm gun battery are actually klaxons.

Anyway I threw the racked helmets on there as more of a joke than anything... that's a level of detail we certainly don't need to go to. ;) I only drew them because there's a very prominent and noticeable rack of them on the Alaska's emergency conning station.

I agree re: removing a 24" searchlight from the air defense platform. I've never seen that on any of the battleships. It does remind me that you might want to place a 24" searchlight on the platform aft of the FCT where I had originally suggested a semaphore platform; very possible it was intended to be a searchlight platform similar to the BB-55 class.

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 4:38 pm
by BB1987
My attempt on the 16"/50.
Tweak them as much as you want, once we've managed to agree on their definitive appearance I'll move on and start to post the 1941-1948 montanas in a "tentatively finished" versions.

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 5:10 pm
by Wolfman
Looks good, BB.

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 5:23 pm
by paul_541
Looks fine to me BB1987! :D
On another hand, if I can insist on a point, it would be better for the guns barrel to be 7 pixels hight than 6, because for the top view, it will be ok (the barrel will have a middle ''point'' if you know what I mean).

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 5:33 pm
by Colosseum
Just make them the correct 6 pixels on the side elevation view, and 7 on the plan view... the discrepancy will be OK as it comes from a limitation with Shipbucket scale and not from artists not knowing what they're doing. ;)

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 5:44 pm
by paul_541
Colosseum wrote:Just make them the correct 6 pixels on the side elevation view, and 7 on the plan view... the discrepancy will be OK as it comes from a limitation with Shipbucket scale and not from artists not knowing what they're doing. ;)
Yep ! :D So, I am adapting a 3 views sheet for BB1987 with his 6 pixels barrel gun (for me I will keep my 7 pixels barrel gun 8-) if I can ;) )

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 6:48 pm
by acelanceloet
gentlemen, I have asked so many times for belowdecks, and now I see this reference.... this time I say, is anybody planning to draw it, otherwise I will :P
and paul, IMO, please keep the version with the 7wide barrels off the bucket then, for the sake of keeping only one part instead of 2 versions which differ so few that it will only lead to problems.

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 6:52 pm
by paul_541
acelanceloet wrote:gentlemen, I have asked so many times for belowdecks, and now I see this reference.... this time I say, is anybody planning to draw it, otherwise I will :P
and paul, IMO, please keep the version with the 7wide barrels off the bucket then, for the sake of keeping only one part instead of 2 versions which differ so few that it will only lead to problems.
Be quiet, I dont research the trouble. ;)

Re: USA - Montana Class Battleship

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 8:02 pm
by Colosseum
I'm certainly not drawing a "belowdecks" view, but the rest of you are welcome to waste your time on it if you really want. ;)