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Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 1st, 2018, 5:07 pm
by Ro-Po Max
Cruise Ship.
Ships are transferred to the customer

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 1st, 2018, 5:19 pm
by rundrewrun99
WOW! Impressive! Nice work once again!!!

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 1st, 2018, 5:38 pm
by Madscotsman
Nicely done mate.

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 1st, 2018, 6:21 pm
I have no world...

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 2nd, 2018, 12:35 am
by adenandy
:o Those water flumes behind the funnel, are truly IMPRESSIVE Max :!:

Jolly WELL DONE old fruit :D

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 2nd, 2018, 4:51 am
by Bordkanone 75
Nice work!!!

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 2nd, 2018, 2:10 pm
by Ro-Po Max
Thank you friends, colleagues and guests :)

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 2nd, 2018, 2:47 pm
by heuhen
This is just WOW

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 2nd, 2018, 4:08 pm
by Calis
Truly Amazing Max

Re: RPM Heavy Industries Co. (AU)

Posted: July 4th, 2018, 5:51 pm
by Xbv2018
Hello Máx. Every day I am more surprised by your projects. They are beatiful and increidible. Máx, your could do a methane ship Project? They are not any in thread pages yet. They are attractive and beatiful ships. I like them. Thank you very much!!! And continue like this.