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Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 6th, 2014, 9:36 pm
by rifleman
straight cut and paste of Portsmouth bill's HMS Tartar Type 81 and HMS Plymouth Type 12 blended in.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 6th, 2014, 9:42 pm
by acelanceloet
however, still with that propeller that is so inaccurate for the propellers used by these ships.
note that you now have 2 completely separate fire control systems, as the M44 aft is digital and the C1 forward is not. the STARIK/E 1 was manned from underneath a cover, so it cannot go that high out of the deck as you have it now (the G1 and G2 directors were not always mounted under such a cover, but those were designed to be secondary to the STARIK.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 6th, 2014, 10:07 pm
by LEUT_East
Putting aside the technical issues, I really like these designs mate. Really elegant lines with a touch of inner strength.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 6th, 2014, 11:05 pm
by ussnimitz1968
rifleman wrote:binned will I ever post again?
I don't know what this means!
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 6th, 2014, 11:47 pm
by erik_t
Without Limbo, having the second searchlight sonar is of dubious value IMHO.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 5:15 am
by rifleman
All the drawings have limbo aft of the flightdeck!
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 5:35 am
by rifleman
Ace its an alternate universe the ships don't actually exist......Therefore how would you know what the propeller would look like?
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 6:31 am
by heuhen
rifleman wrote:Ace its an alternate universe the ships don't actually exist......Therefore how would you know what the propeller would look like?
what ever you say, the propeller IS wrong. It can almost be used as an Submarine propellers... Almost. On a ship, never. Now go to the part sheet section of the forum, in there you should find a sheet that have a tons of propellers, use one of them. And never that propeller.
In fact it should be illegal to use that propeller in shipbucket. We keep telling people to NOT use it... And they are still using it.
And it doesn't matter if a ship is AU or real.. We all know that it will never have been used.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 7:09 am
by LEUT_East
I have been guilty of using the same prop as well. The problem is that when you are looking to existing drawings for reference and inspiration, some of these drawings have this very prop. Awareness is the main thing here. I certainly will not use this prop again and I have retrospectively removed it from my fleet.
Rifleman, please keep drawing mate. Your designs are unique and make me wish I had thought of them.
Re: Hamilton class FFg
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 7:37 am
by heuhen
Many old drawings have them, but that's because people didn't know better, but when members like me, ace, etc. And, former awsome member (some of use know who I am talking about) decided that we should give the underwater hull same attention as we are giving to the drawing,normally. Out from that comes things like, removal of that prop, 45 degree hull shading rule, almost all parts redrawn, etc.