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Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 8:30 pm
by erik_t
I'd settle for both a toehold in reality (or not, as ALVAMA's work has shown) and some actual competence in drawing.

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 10:24 pm
by Thiel
erik_t wrote:I'd settle for both a toehold in reality (or not, as ALVAMA's work has shown) and some actual competence in drawing.
The Rule of Cool a dash of Refuge in Audacity can indeed work very well.

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 5:04 pm
by Scifibug
Portsmouth Bill wrote:It's cool if he observes the conventions (as erik_t has pointed out). I respect Scifi, as an older member who has earned his spurs; that said, I don't give a monkey's what folk post as own designs, so long as they have a 'toe hold' in reality; otherwise expect some strong criticism.
Oh I expect heavy seas following some of these designs (especially mine) through looking at some "official" flights of fancy and what has actually slipped down the ways we do have to reach a bit to create fantasy.
Do you think the designers of the HMS Ark Royal could envision the USS Nimitz or Project Habbakuk!
Time and time again history has shown that size alone is not a restriction to what can be built.
Practical? Not. A waste of money and resources? Most likely. But the Hitlers and Stalins of the world care not these things, this is an extention of their national pride (among other things) thus they will be built (or at least designed :D ).
No, strong (but useful) criticism should be expected and while real ships need to be viewed with a critical eye for details and deserve our highest praise, the monstrosities of this and similar threads deserve a fair shakedown. Who knows, they might be more right than we can imagine. :twisted:

Enough preaching! Its taking me away from drawing which is keeping me from going to bed and I have to work tonight! :)

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 5:33 pm
by Portsmouth Bill
Interesting discussion, and while I stand by my views I'll refrain from being too critical in future; maybe its best for my blood pressure :lol: