Alteias Republic

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Re: Alteias Republic

#11 Post by TNGShM »

Hiumijuu-class Ironclad


The Hiumi-class were a class of two oceangoing ironclads built for Alteias in the late 760s. They were the first oceangoing ironclads designed by Alteias, all previous ironclads being designed exclusively for defending the home islands. They served with distinction during the later years of the War of Ekranonian Conquest, with a quiet career afterwards. The two ships were named after creatures of Altesian legend, setting a precedent of capital ship naming that continues into the present day.

Ordered in 764 for the ongoing War of Ekranonian Conquest, the ships had to be ocean going in order to reach the Ekranon continent, some 2700 nautical miles away. Because of the distances between Alteias and its neighbors, they were designed from the beginning with sails. The pair were large for the time, with a length of 114 meters at the waterline. Most of the armament lay within its armored casemate: some four 38cm muzzle loading smoothbores arranged with two in the bow and stern gunports, with one on each broadside, and ten 28cm smoothbores, with one in each corner gunport and three each on each broadside. Four 20cm muzzle loading rifles were located in two twin turrets on top of the casemate. A four meter long ram bow completed the ship's armament. Interestingly, the ship was initially designed without a ram, but reports of the legendary Battle of Arken Bay, where an force of Gliadean ironclads sank much of a larger force of Meralian ironclads through ramming attacks. The report was so influential that for the next decade, Altesian warships were designed with ram bows, even though battle experience showed that ramming was usually ineffective. Armor ranged from 4cm on the deck to 28cm for the turrets, with 25cm of Altesian Maple backing with the exception of the turrets and conning towers. The armored belt extended from the main deck to 2m below the waterline.

The ships were powered by two horizontal back-acting engines, which drove a propeller each for a maximum speed of 14.5 knots. The steam for the engines was created by six cylindrical boilers at a pressure of 25psi. All of the boilers exhausted out of a single, large funnel. This funnel could partially retract while the ship was under sail. Range was a little over 1300 nautical miles at 8 knots, a respectable distance, but still insufficient to traverse the oceans surrounding Alteias. The engines were supplemented with two masts and a brig rig. Due to their large size and nonretracting propellers, ships were not great under sail, but it was they were still able to move at 8 or so knots.

Completed in 768, the two ships proved to be fast ships, but the turrets proved to be their downfall. While they provided good fields of fire, the weight from the turrets caused considerable instability, and they were removed in 769 in a large rebuild for both ships. The turrets would then be used on two smaller ships. The top of the casemate was plated over, two conning towers in place of the two turrets. The two middle gunports on each side were moved inwards, with two more gunports installed. The armament was changed to six 25.5cm rifles and twelve 20cm rifles. The ships were recommissioned in December 769, not long after the commissioning of the class's successor, the two even more massive Arachi-class oceangoing monitors.

Adandara after her refit

With the intensification of the war in 770, the four ships were sent to the west coast of the Ekranon continent in order to defend Altesian holdings. There, the four behemoths would defend Altesian territory from repeated Qeu attacks. Initial battles were successful, with Qeu wooden ships destroyed quickly by the ironclads. However, in the early hours of 18 September 870, a Qeu force of nine ironclads ran into the Altesian force that was hidden by the cover of night. The result was a savage and confused action, where neither side could tell what was going on. Fighting quickly devolved into multiple smaller battles, with the Altesian ships fighting two or even three Qeu ships. While initial fighting resulted in a stalemate, the tide of the battle began to shift in favor of the Altesians when Adandara rammed the Qeu armored corvette Jouren Siafung, which sank after an hour. As the ranges closed from hundreds of meters to mere dozens, the larger 25.5cm rifles of the Hiumi-class and the massive 51cm smoothbores of the Arachi-class began to smash through the armor of the Qeu ships, while the fire from the smaller Qeu guns, the largest being a 22.5cm smoothbore, was largely ineffective. As dawn began to break, the Qeu ships retreated. Three Qeu ships were sunk or sinking, with a further three having heavy damage for the loss of 839 officers and men. On the Altesian side, all four ships were lightly damaged. The worst off of the ships was Hiumi, which suffered from an explosion in one of the 25.5cm rifles, killing or wounding nearly everyone in the frontmost quarter of the casemate. Other ships had jammed gunport shutters or had lost masts. Still, the battle was a major Altesian victory, with Qeu naval forces crippled for several months. Altesian forces took advantage of this to mount a large scale invasion of the main Qeu port on the continent, Alquans, with the four ironclads leading the force. The remaining three active Qeu ironclads could only watch from afar as their damaged sisters were scuttled while the Qeu army retreated. The Arachi-class were ordered to a different theater of the war soon afterwards, but Hiumi and Adandara remained off of Qeu-controlled areas of Ekranon. Their guns proved instrumental in suppressing coastal cities while remaining invulnerable to Qeu coastal defenses. Not long afterwards, Qeu forces would surrender and the resulting peace treaty ceded most of the Qeu territory to Alteias, ensuring that Alteias would have a large influence on Ekranon.

After the conclusion of Altesian conflict in the War of Ekranonian Conquest in early 771, the two ships would sail to various ports around the world on various goodwill missions, or to display the power of Alteias on several occasions. However, the two ships would never fire a shot in anger again. Adandara, approaching obsolescence, would be placed in reserve in 780 and scrapped in 782. Hiumi would be reassigned as a training ship around the same time. She would continue in this role until decommissioned in 791. For nearly six years, there was a movement to preserve the Hiumi as a memorial commemorating the Altesian victory over Qeu, but it was found that two decades of use followed by years spent idle resulted in the deterioration of the ship, and as a result she was also scrapped. There are still some remnants of the class, with the anchors of both ships being part of a memorial in Meria, and one of the conning towers functioning as a display in a children's museum in Remoris. A turret that was originally installed on Adandara is also on display at the Naval Preservation District in Yokomaro.

Type: Casemate ironclad
Displacement: 8,389 tons
Length: 114m (wl), 116.4m (oa)
Beam: 22.25m
Draught: 6.4m
- 2-shaft horizontal back-acting steam engines
- Six Kashirame boilers
- 4280 ihp
- Brig rig
Speed: 14.5 knots
Range: 1250 nmi at 8 knots (unlimited with sail)
Complement: 650
As built
In casemate:
- 4 x 38cm Riasan smoothbores
- 10 x 28cm Riasan smoothbores
In turrets
- 4 x 20cm Iraka rifles
- Ram bow
- Various boarding equipment
As of 870
In casemate:
- 6 x 25.5cm Iraka rifles
- 12 x 20cm Iraka rifles
- Ram bow
- Various boarding equipment
- Waterline belt: 7-9cm backed by 25cm of Altesian Maple
- Deck: 4cm with 25cm of backing
- Casemate: 12cm with 25cm of backing
- Turrets: 28cm
- Conning towers: 25cm

Ships in class:
Hiumi - Scrapped, 782
Adandara - Scrapped, 797

[Originally posted to the Ram Challenge thread]
Last edited by TNGShM on September 22nd, 2023, 4:39 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Alteias Republic

#12 Post by eswube »

Quite impressive drawings, though IMHO the rivets and panel lines are overkill. ;)
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Re: Alteias Republic

#13 Post by TNGShM »

Hirakize-class Torpedo Boat Destroyer


The Hirakize-class was a class of six torpedo boat destroyers built at the turn of the 9th century. They were the first class of destroyer to be built for the Altesian navy. Because of its isolated nature, ships with short range apart from coastal defense ships were deemed unnecessary, and as a result, the Altesian navy had a relatively late start in destroyer construction. However, with international tensions rising and the deployment of warships to various colonies by most of the colonial powers, Alteias could no longer wait. In 798, the first of the class was laid down in the Balen naval shipyard in Altesian Ekranon. The ships would be commissioned in 800 and 801, and would spend their entire service lives based in Ekranon.

Hirakize and her sisters were designed with advice from Gliade, a longtime ally of Alteias, and a pioneer in destroyer construction. Based on the torpedo boat destroyer GIMS Hunter, their design was typical of torpedo boat destroyers of the time, both in size and armament. Their primary armament was their two single 46cm torpedo tubes, which were located aft of the funnels. A reload for each tube was carried. Their gun armament, while not incredibly powerful, was still above average for the time. The primary gun armament was two 8cm quick firing guns, with one located atop the conning tower, and the second located aft of the torpedo tubes. Two 5cm revolving cannon were also mounted, with one on each side aft of the conning tower. The armament was rounded out with two 8mm machine guns, with one on each side aft of the boats. Steam was generated by four coal-fired boilers, which powered two triple expansion engines which in turn drove a propeller each. Speed was 30 knots, with a range of 1200 nautical miles at 10 knots. Due to their turtleback bow, a design precedent left over from torpedo boats, the ships were very wet during stormy weather and destroyer commanders often preferred commanding their ships from the aft bridge. The ships were also unpopular with their crews due to their cramped and wet conditions.

The class would be commissioned just as tensions with Qeu began to rise. The class, now grouped as 1st Destroyer Squadron, routinely patrolled off of the Altesian waters closest to Qeu. On 15 November 802, 1st Destroyer Squadron spotted the lead elements of a Qeu invasion force, 23 troop transports with an escort of two armored and three protected cruisers. Without hesitation, the 1st Destroyer Squadron launched an attack, dispatching Izanami to find reinforcements. What resulted was a savage action where three of the five Altesian ships were sunk in a barrage of gunfire. Before they were sunk however, the destroyers were able to launch their torpedoes, resulting in two of the cruisers being sunk and one damaged. A stray torpedo also hit one of the troop transports, sinking it. The remaining two ships began their retreat to the south, but due to battle damage to both ships, they could only stay slightly ahead of the Qeu force. At 20:12, Hirakize's starboard engine suffered a catastrophic failure, and the two ships were forced to stop as the Qeu force gained on them. Just when all seemed lost, an Altesian cruiser squadron steamed into view. The battle would end with the one surviving Qeu cruiser abandoning the Qeu transports, which would be escorted at gunpoint into an Altesian harbor, where the Qeu forces would be taken prisoner. The battle, later known as the Battle of the Lanzhian Sea, would prove the concept of destroyers for Alteias, which intensified destroyer construction. The remaining three ships would spend the rest of the Alteias-Qeu war on convoy escort or in dock for repairs. Following the war, they would be redesignated as patrol destroyers as newer, improved designs entered service. At the beginning of the 2nd Intercontinental War, they would find themselves guarding Balen, the very city in which they were built. Izanami would be lost in 815, torpedoed by a Raventzian submarine, and Hirakize would be cut in half in a collision with a merchant ship with the loss of all hands in 817. Nijika however, would survive the war and became a museum ship at the Yokomaro Naval Preservation District in 823 as a fine example of early Altesian destroyer development.

Type: Torpedo boat destroyer
Displacement: 380 tons normal, 540 tons full load
Length: 70m
Beam: 6.6m
Draught: 2m
- 2-shaft vertical triple expansion engines
- Four Ekashima boilers
- 7000 ihp
Speed: 30 knots
Range: 1200 nmi at 10 knots
Complement: 67
- 2 x 8cm/40 QF Type 96 guns (2 x 1)
- 2 x 5cm/40 Type 82 revolving cannon (2 x 1)
- 2 x 8mm/90 Type 89 Harane machine gun (2 x 1)
- 2 x 46cm Type 94 torpedo tube

Ships in class:
Hirakize (D-1) - Sunk in collision, 817
Yuuragi - (D-2) Sunk, 802
Araragi - (D-3) Sunk, 802
Nijika - (D-4) Museum ship, 823
Yonaga - (D-5) Sunk, 802
Izanami - (D-6) Torpedoed, 815
Last edited by TNGShM on May 17th, 2023, 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alteias Republic

#14 Post by TNGShM »

Hatari-class Torpedo Boat Destroyer


The Hatari-class was a class of 24 torpedo boat destroyers built in the early 800s. The second class of destroyer built for Alteias, only six were initially planned, but a further twelve were ordered with rising tensions with Qeu. After the watershed Battle of the Lanzhian Sea, six more were ordered, with civilian shipyards being contracted to build these extra ships. The class would see relatively little action during the Alteias-Qeu War, but would see more action in the Second Intercontinental War, albeit to a limited extent compared to their more modern successors. Like their predecessors of the Hirakize-class, they would spend their entire service lives based in Ekranon.

The Hatari-class were the direct successor of the Hirakize-class, and improved on several of their shortcomings, such as their lack of seaworthiness and the underwhelming secondary armament. In order to improve seaworthiness, the length of the ship was increased by several meters, though the lack of a major change to the bow design meant that water would still wash over the bow and create a wet position forwards. Those commanding ships of this class would also usually command their ships from the aft bridge, much like the Hirakize-class. The primary gun armament remained the same, but the increasingly outdated 5cm revolving cannon were replaced with 6cm quick firing guns, with the increase in size allowing for two more to be fitted amidships. Tertiary and torpedo armaments remained the same. One reload was carried for each tube. Like the Hirakize-class, the ships were cramped, wet, and unpopular with their crews. After the Battle of the Lanzhian Sea, every single ship would be fitted for wireless radio communication so that a ship would not have to be dispatched for communication.

Hatari after installation of wireless radio

Construction of the ships began in late 800, and the first batch of ships were working up as hostilities between Qeu and Alteias began. The first batch, now grouped into 2nd Destroyer Squadron, would relieve 1st Destroyer Squadron after the Battle of the Lanzhian Sea and would continue to patrol the waters between Alteias and Qeu as the Altesian navy began more offensive operations. The second batch, grouped into 3rd Destroyer Squadron, would escort 1st Battleship Squadron on various sorties involving the bombardment of Qeu ports and battles with their battleships and cruisers, though their limited seakeeping in the open ocean limited their use. Commissioned in 803, the final batch, divided into 4th and 5th Destroyer Squadrons would be used in a similar manner to 2nd Destroyer Squadron, ensuring that no Qeu warships would get anywhere close to Altesian territory. Some minor successes during the war would be achieved with the class, with , along with the rest of 3rd Destroyer Squadron encountering and torpedoing a Qeu protected cruiser while screening the Altesian battleships. After the war, the ships would be derated to patrol destroyers after the introduction of new destroyer classes capable of sustained blue water operations. Onoria and Larem would hit uncharted rocks and sink in 809 and 813, respectively. During the 2nd intercontinental war, they would serve as convoy escorts, deterring merchant raiders and submarines on multiple occasions. In 817, Harezuna and the Istrian raider Sente Larcenios would duel to the death, with Harezuna ramming the much larger raider, but was dragged down with her, with the loss of most of both crews. After the war, they were written off as obsolete and were sent to the scrapyard. Interestingly, the Leruden International Fruits Company would buy four of the ships and convert them into fruit transports. They would last another 30 years in merchant service, only being scrapped in 853. Many remnants of the ships remain, particularly ships' bells, anchors, and guns.

Mikari after conversion to a fruit carrier

Type: Torpedo boat destroyer
Displacement: 425 tons normal, 644 tons full load
Length: 73.76m
Beam: 6.9m
Draught: 2m
- 2-shaft vertical triple expansion engines
- Four Ekashima boilers
- 7200 ihp
Speed: 30 knots
Range: 1250 nmi at 10 knots
Complement: 80
- 2 x 8cm/40 QF Type 96 guns (2 x 1)
- 4 x 6cm/42 QF Type 94 gun (4 x 1)
- 2 x 8mm/90 Type 89 Harane machine gun (2 x 1)
- 2 x 46cm Type 94 torpedo tube

Ships in class:
Hatari (D-7) - Scrapped, 822
Sanakize (D-8) - Scrapped, 822
Anatsukage (D-9) - Scrapped, 822
Harezuna (D-10) - Sunk by Istrian cruiser, 817
Hinano (D-11) - Freighter, 821 (Scrapped, 853)
Akenora (D-12) - Scrapped, 822
Karan (D-13) - Freighter, 821 (Scrapped, 853)
Agumore (D-14) - Scrapped, 822
Shizuna (D-15) - Scrapped, 822
Haseshuro (D-16) - Scrapped, 822
Onoria (D-17) - Sunk by rock, 809
Marashida (D-18) - Scrapped, 822
Samira (D-19) - Scrapped, 823
Mikari (D-20) - Freighter, 821 (Scrapped, 853)
Erukize (D-21) - Freighter, 821 (Scrapped, 853)
Zaerin (D-22) - Scrapped, 823
Nezaki (D-23) - Scrapped, 823
Linena (D-24) - Scrapped, 823
Larem (D-25) - Sunk by rock, 813
Amiyu (D-26) - Scrapped, 823
Raisel (D-27) - Scrapped, 823
Sankeria (D-28) - Scrapped, 823
Awakase (D-29) - Scrapped, 824
Amidase (D-30) - Scrapped, 824
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Re: Alteias Republic

#15 Post by TNGShM »

Saguri-class Destroyer


The Saguri-class were a class of four destroyers built in the early 810s for the Altesian navy. This was the 3rd class of destroyers built for Alteias, succeeding the much smaller Hirakize and Hatari-classes. There was an eight year gap between the commissioning of the final members of the Hatari-class and the commissioning of the Saguri-class ships. No ships were built between this due to budget restrictions. However, as world tensions flared and naval technology improved, the mostly coastal Altesian destroyers began to appear incredibly inadequate. As a result, four new destroyers were ordered, split into two batches with different engine configurations.

The first two ships would be built with the conventional triple expansion engines while the latter two would be built with turbines. While turbines had already been adopted on larger ships, they had not been tested on smaller ships. It was found that the turbine equipped ships were faster, but had a significantly smaller range. As a result, they would be kept at the home islands as coastal defense ships while the ships with reciprocating engines were sent to Altesian Ekranon as flotilla leaders.

The ships did not follow the design precedent of previous Altesian destroyers, choosing instead to follow those of other nations' contemporary ships. The Saguri-class were significantly larger than its predecessors and also had a raised forecastle, making it significantly more seaworthy. It also meant captains could command their ships from the forward bridge rather than the aft one. There was also a significant increase in armament. The main armament consisted of two 12cm guns and two twin 46cm torpedo tubes. A single reload was carried for each mount. The secondary armament consisted of five 8cm guns and a single 8mm machine gun. Speed and range varied by engine type.

Commissioned before the outbreak of the 2nd Intercontinental War, the ships had very peaceful careers, only firing their weapons for training purposes. However, with the outbreak of war in January 815, Saguri and Fushina were deployed to the Enosic Ocean along with the the 1st Battlecruiser Division in order to support the Gliadean offensive against the Raventz Empire. There, they would receive their baptism under fire at the Battle of Harsmann Bank, where they would join Gliadean destroyers in a massed attack against Raventzian battlecruisers. Together, they would torpedo the battlecruiser Rosenstein, receiving moderate damage in return. They would be repaired in time for the Battle of Lakos where they would be part of the savage night action. Saguri would encounter the Raventzian cruiser Nirvatz, taking moderate damage in exchange for a small fire started. Fushina would fare better, sinking V-54 with gunfire. The rest of their service during the war consisted of escorting the 1st Battlecruiser Division during shore bombardment missions and acting as part of the fleet screen during minor skirmishes. After the war, they would be derated to 2nd class destroyers as more modern ships were commissioned. In 826 they would be rerated as training ships, a role which they would serve until 832 when they were scrapped. Nozora and Natsushino would have relatively uneventful careers patrolling around the main islands. The only exceptions were the occasional submarine attacks by Raventz and Czeronia, which were dealt with using depth charges and gunfire. They would be converted into minesweepers in 820, a role which they would serve until their scrapping in 828.

Type: Destroyer
Displacement: 930 tons normal, 1115 tons full load
Length: 86.56m
Beam: 8.5m
Draught: 2.5m
- 2-shaft vertical triple expansion engines (Saguri, Fushino)
- 2-shaft turbines (Nozora, Natsushino)
- Five Kashirame boilers
- 18,500 ihp/shp
Speed: 30 knots (31 knots for turbine ships)
Range: 2000 nmi at 15 knots (1750 nmi for turbine ships)
Complement: 122
- 2 x 12cm/40 QF Type 5 guns (2 x 1)
- 5 x 8cm/42 QF Type 94 guns (5 x 1)
- 1 x 8mm/90 Type 89 Harane machine gun
- 4 x 46cm Type 10 torpedo tube (2 x 2)

Ships in class:
Saguri (D-31) - Scrapped 832
Fushina (D-32) - Scrapped 832
Nozora (D-33) - Scrapped 828
Natsushino (D-34) - Scrapped 828
Last edited by TNGShM on December 15th, 2023, 4:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alteias Republic

#16 Post by TNGShM »

Mizaki-class Ballistic Missile Submarine


The Mizaki-class were a class of four nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines built for the Altesian navy in the late 850s and early 860s. They were named after Altesian battlecruisers, confirming the importance of their roles in Altesian naval doctrine. Immediately upon commissioning, they would carry out nuclear deterrent patrols off of major Evoshan ports, supplementing the ballistic and cruise missile submarines already in service.

The first Altesian ballistic missile submarines were already in service by 856, but they were diesel-electric boats with limited endurance and a missile count of only two missiles. The cruise missile submarines, with the exception of the two nuclear-powered Chiyoi-class then under construction, were similarly limited. They also had to surface to fire their missiles leaving them vulnerable to attack. As such, the Altesian navy rushed to design a more capable class of ballistic missile submarine, especially as intelligence reports began to pour in about the construction of an Evoshan nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.

The resulting submarine would be based on of all things, the Chiyoi-class. The hull itself was similar, but due to the amidships location of the missile silos, many compartments would be moved forward. Her high deck was a legacy of the Chiyoi-class and would not be repeated on subsequent classes. Much of her design was similarly traditional, with twin shafts and bow planes instead of fairwater planes. Armament consisted of eight ballistic missiles carried in amidship silos and six torpedo tubes, four fore and two aft. Initially, 28 torpedoes were carried, but four were removed and nuclear torpedoes put in their place in 863. Despite the rushed nature of the class, they proved to be rather successful and had relatively few initial issues. They would pave the way for successive, more powerful, submarine classes carrying more ballistic missiles while Evosha would not commission a submarine with a similar armament until 868.

After commissioning and working up, the class would be assigned to the Remoris naval district, patrolling Evosha's Mieri coastline while the cruise missile submarines would be moved to the Ekranon continent to patrol the Kanaric coastline. They would continue their deterrent patrols even as newer submarines entered service, only being pulled from service in 876 due to the Submarine Weapons Limitation Treaty (SWLM). They would be mothballed until the 890s, when they were struck from the naval register and scrapped. The sole exception was Kyilse, which served as a moored training ship until 913, when she was scrapped.

Type: Ballistic Missile Submarine
Displacement: 3790 tons surfaced, 5200 tons submerged
Length: 115m
Beam: 9m
Draught: 9m
- Type 58 Reactor
- 7400 shp
- Two shafts
Speed: 15.5kt surfaced, 21kt submerged
Range: Unlimited, only limited by food supplies (food for 95 days is carried)
Complement: 99
- 8 x Type 56 ballistic missiles
- 6 x 53.3cm torpedo tubes (4 fore, 2 aft)
- 24 x Type 48 torpedo (28 until 863)
- 4 x Type 62N Nuclear torpedo (after 863)

Ships in class:
Mizaki (BN-5) - Scrapped 892
Nareshira (BN-6) - Scrapped 895
Kyilse (BN-7) - Training ship 878 (Scrapped 913)
Adandara (BN-8) - Scrapped 893

[Originally posted to the Boomer Challenge thread]
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Re: Alteias Republic

#17 Post by TNGShM »

Kyilse-class Battlecruiser


The Kyilse-class battlecruisers were a class of two battlecruisers built for the Altesian navy at the early 810s, succeeding the 1st generation battlecruisers built only a little over half a decade earlier. They were designed with technical assistance from the Gliade Empire, a longtime ally and the nation which pioneered the battlecruiser concept. Briefly the world's most powerful ships, they would have short but eventful careers.

With the ongoing naval arms race between the Gliade and Raventzian Empires, Alteias along with other nations were pressured to keep up and produce new warships of their own. Designed to be superior to any other battlecruiser afloat or under construction, they emphasized heavy armament and survivability over speed, in contrast to Gliade's preference for speed. Upon their entry into service, they were immediately recognized as more powerful than any other warship in the world. They had a powerful armament of eight 36cm, fourteen 15cm, and four 8cm guns. There were also four submerged torpedo tubes, two on each broadside. Protection was excellent for a battlecruiser, with up to 30.5cm thick for the belt and up to 13cm combined for the decks. The ships were driven by two sets of steam turbines which in turn drove two shafts each. The turbines were fed steam from 42 boilers. They were slower than the standard Gliade battlecruiser, but not by much, making about 26.5 knots. Range was 7,500 nautical miles at 14 knots.

Commissioned before the beginning of the Second Intercontinental War, they were considered to be the world's most powerful ships. After spending several years quietly cruising the Mieri Ocean, the outbreak of war in November 814 meant that they would fire their guns in anger for the first time. As part of the Great Coalition, Alteias joined the war against the Central League. After supporting the invasion of nearby Raventzian territories, they were dispatched to support the Gliade hunt for Admiral Korwitz's cruiser squadron. Working together with Gliade's battlecruisers, Korwitz was trapped in a pincer movement and his squadron was destroyed. There were no longer any Central League threats in the Mieri following this action, so the Kyilse-class, along with 1st Battleship Squadron were attached to the Gliade Grand Fleet. On 24 June 816, the Gliade 1st Battlecruiser Division along with the Kyisle-class set sail in order to intercept a Raventz fleet operation. The Grand Fleet set sail several hours later. The next day, contact was made with the scouting elements of Raventz's First Scouting Group and what would later be called the Battle of Harsmann Bank. Though the initial engagement was in favor of the combined Alteias-Gliade force, this began to change as the Raventz gunner began to find the range. About 45 minutes after battle was first joined, a 30.5cm shell from the battlecruiser Seldke penetrated Ranie's deck and detonated within the working chamber of Y-turret. The explosion spread through the turret, and while the order to flood the magazines was given, it was too late and the magazines exploded seconds later. The ship was split in two and sank in 10 minutes, taking all but 27 crew with her. In return, her sister dealt crippling damage to Lanschatz, which was scuttled later, and dealt heavy damage to Von Ernheit. As the battleship fleets on both sides began to enter firing range, Kyilse screened the Altesian 1st Battleship Squadron, scoring several more hits in the process.

Following the Battle of Harsmann Bank, she would help blockade Raventz and patrol for any breakout attempts. On 28 December 821 with the situation appearing dire for the Central League, their fleet sortied for one final action and the combined Great Coalition fleet responded in kind in one final battle. Kyilse would sortie as part of the Coalition fleet. After three years of rarely leaving port, the Raventz fleet's accuracy had suffered greatly. 80% of their fleet would be sunk with few losses on the Gliade-Altesian side. Shortly after, the Central League would capitulate, bringing an end to the Second Intercontinental War. Put into reserve in 824, Kyilse would be scrapped the following year in order to comply with the Dezarian Naval Treaty. Her A turret and several of her propellers would be preserved. In 836, nearly twenty years to the day after her sinking, Ranie's wreck would be discovered. She lies 480 feet below the surface in two pieces.

Type: Battlecruiser
Displacement: 28,400 tons normal, 32,550 tons full load
Length: 212.75m wl, 215.65m (oa)
Beam: 8.15m
Draught: 8.38m
- 4 shafts, 2 steam turbine sets
- 42 Kampelan Boilers
- 72,000 shp
Speed: 26.5 knots
Range: 7500 nmi at 14 knots
Complement: 1189
- 8 x 36cm/45 Type 10 guns (4 x 2)
- 14 x 15cm/50 Type 8 guns (14 x 1)
- 4 x 8cm/40 QF Type 11 anti-aircraft guns (4 x 1)
- 4 x 1 53.3cm torpedo tubes
- Main belt: 30.5cm - 15cm
- Upper belt: 13cm - 10cm
- Extended belt: 13cm-10cm
- Decks: 13cm - 6cm total
- Turrets: 36cm - 28cm
- Barbettes: 30.5cm - 13cm

Ships in class:
Kyilse (JS-7) - Scrapped 825
Ranie - (JS-8) Sunk 816
I don't know what I'm doing half the time so please cut me some slack.

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Remorseful Dreamer
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Re: Alteias Republic

#18 Post by Remorseful Dreamer »

That's some really nice ships you have there~. :P
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Re: Alteias Republic

#19 Post by TNGShM »

Remorseful Dreamer wrote: December 6th, 2023, 7:17 pm That's some really nice ships you have there~. :P
Many thanks, though a lot of the older ships need redrawing.
I don't know what I'm doing half the time so please cut me some slack.

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Location: USA

Re: Alteias Republic

#20 Post by TNGShM »

Just a bit of an update - because I'm changing the lore of Alteias by a fair margin, I'll be abandoning this thread and restarting completely (though I'll be keeping some ships).

If I'm violating a rule in some way by doing this, please let me know!
I don't know what I'm doing half the time so please cut me some slack.

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