FD Scale Vehicles

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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#11 Post by Finfan »

TurretHead wrote:Rooikat
Very, very nice.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#12 Post by Mitchell van Os »


Maby something to draw?
Russian KV-1
The 152mm turret version will also be extremly cool.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#13 Post by Mitchell van Os »

The german jagd tiger had to be drawn.
I dont know if Darthpanda can make it better, but this is what i come with:
Germany, JagdTiger.png
It is the biggest/heaviest tank made in ww2.
With its 12.8cm main armament it could take out ANY(exept maus) tank at a max range from 24,410 metres.
It had an max speed of 34 km/h and still a great manoeuvrability for it's weight of 71.8 ton.

It is an magnificent piece of ww2 technolegy.
And one of the many super design's of germany.
Only 88 where made, and 2 survived the war (maby more but those are at scrap yards)

The final product was build on an massively enlarged Tiger 2 (koningstiger) chasis.

Now ill be making maus and ferdinand.
I hope DP can make them more of a beauty when i am done with them...
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#14 Post by Thiel »

MitcheLL300 wrote:And one of the many super design's of germany.
Pheh. Super my ****. The thing had so many mechanical problem that coupled with its low rate of fire, it was the next best thing to useless. 16 lost in combat, 70 lost due to mechanical failures.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#15 Post by Blackbuck »

They were good vehicles, let down by the massively strained engine and transmission (maybe weight if you need them to quickly get from place to place, hard to do if the bridge falls down)
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#16 Post by ezgo394 »

Can I post fictional vehicles here?
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#17 Post by Thiel »

Blackbuck wrote:They were good vehicles, let down by the massively strained engine and transmission
It was underpowered, it ate transmissions for breakfast, it's suspension went snap at the sight of anything resembling rough terrain, due to its two-piece ammunition it had one of, if no the, slowest firing guns ever mounted in a tank and every time it fired it produced a smoke plume big enough to be seen from miles and miles away.
(maybe weight if you need them to quickly get from place to place, hard to do if the bridge falls down)
Never mind the bridges, think about the roads. Once one or two of these had been past, any European country road were would have been reduced to a muddy track.
“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#18 Post by TurretHead »

ezgo394 wrote:Can I post fictional vehicles here?
I hope so because that's what I want to do. Just not this weekend, too much homework! Haven't even opened photoshop.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#19 Post by TurretHead »

MitcheLL300 wrote:The final product was build on an massively enlarged Tiger 2 (koningstiger) chasis.
I thought the Jagdtiger with 128mm gun was just built on a normal Tiger 2 tank hull? Maybe this is one with a bigger gun like 150mm?


The Allies also built some similar super tanks without turrets but I don't think they saw any combat service. The Soviets of course had the Stalin tanks.
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Re: FD Scale Vehicles

#20 Post by TurretHead »

Thiel wrote:Never mind the bridges, think about the roads. Once one or two of these had been past, any European country road were would have been reduced to a muddy track.
Because roads are not free standing like bridges the gross weight is not important but the ground pressure. You can have a very heavy tank like a Tiger or Abrams but if you have a large track area and the multiple road wheels to even out the pressure on the track then you can actually have less effect on a road than a lighter tank that may not have as much track area. The Tigers look like they have very big track areas so might have low ground pressures. Of course it doesn't matter how low your ground pressure is if you drive out onto a bridge that can't take the gross weight it is going to fall under you.
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