Federal Navy of Prizyetsa Thread

Post any drawings you have made that do not pertain to an Alternate Universe scenario and are not a never-built design.

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Federal Navy of Prizyetsa Thread

#1 Post by Prizyetsa »

So, after a long involuntary hiatus caused by schoolwork, exams and moving to Germany, I've decided to come back and quietly open up a new thread where I can post designs and ideas regarding my personal designs (notably those of the fictional "Federal Navy of Prizyetsa") and hopefully get some feedback from the infinite source of wisdom that is... well, you guys. So hi.

So for those of you who haven't seen my thread that I let whither away and die over in the AU section (which I now realize is the wrong place for this) I'll fill you in on the situation.

Background Info
The Federal Navy of Prizyetsa is the maritime arm of the military of the United Federation of Prizyetsa. The federation is a union of states linked together through historical and cultural similarities and ties which form one of the largest economies in the region making it a world power in it's own right.

Due to the extreme length of it's coastline, the federation has historically invested huge sums of money in a large and powerful navy, and has the strongest "naval tradition" of any nation in the world. With such vast wealth and the importance of the navy, it comes as no surprise that the federation is also one of the most technologically advanced nation in the world, operating dozens of cutting edge warships all over the globe. Unfortunately, not all goes well for the federation.

After the last great war, other nations have cast their eyes on the riches that come with being a maritime nation, and the federation has had to step up their defense capabilities. Not all odds are against the federation however. To the south lies the nation of Kauvara, a strong ally of the Prizyetsi states, and a strong supporter of aerial combat. The two nations have been allies throughout history, and have left their respective military specialties over to one another as to promote cooperation, and of course, save money. Why operate a fleet or an air force if you don't need to?

With the likelihood of war growing with each day, the federation races to create ever more efficient and lethal combat systems to defend it's people and interests throughout the globe.

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M-Class Frigate sensor equipment discussion

#2 Post by Prizyetsa »

So my biggest issue is this; IMAST or APAR+SMART-L?

I understand that the latter of the two is more powerful, but more expensive. Artistically, I like both designs, but which design would be better suited for ASW, AAW and SSW?

The SMART+L is the dual rotating disks above the APAR unit. This is an idea I picked up from acelanceloet.

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Re: Federal Navy of Prizyetsa Thread

#3 Post by acelanceloet »

ok, with both are some problems. I will go purely system wise, drawing wise there is some work but that is mostly to be fixed by adding details and updating parts ;)

- you obviously looked at the SIGMA ships. keep in mind these are diesel powered and not that fast. an gas turbine variant would require larger funnels and intakes.
- the biggest problem: both I-mast and APART+ SMART-L do not work with ASTER. well they might work but are not build for each other. the I-mast might be modified to do so though, as it is an completely modular system, but I do not know what capabilities you can get on board for them. ASTER 30 at least will not be possible, while ASTER 15 is about the same as ESSM in capability, but singlepacked in VLS cells.
- without an additional director, the I-mast will not be able to guide missiles when in it's current production layout. an modified one might do though.
- you will not get SMART-L-like capabilities in an single mast. the SMART-L is way to huge for that. in my mast design, the vessel has SMART-S- like range on the main search radar with powerful datalinks on board to make up for the low range, to couple with SMART-L ships or ships with the same mast.
http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewto ... 018#p37018
- the gatekeeper system is placed awfully low on your second ship, and cannot see over the hangar and thus has an massive blind spot aft.
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
I ask of you to prove me wrong. Not say I am wrong, but prove it, because then I will have learned something new.
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Re: Federal Navy of Prizyetsa Thread

#4 Post by Prizyetsa »

First off, thanks as always ace. I was wondering how long it would take before you'd find me again... ;)

So, I'll go off your points.

-Yes, I did look at the sigma ships. I like the idea of being able to pick and choose modules according to your needs. That was the whole idea behind the M class. The M stands for "modular". Anyways, I've elongated the ships a bit to facilitate the increased size of the engines, and the funnel is now larger. Additionally, more intakes have been placed on the ship.

-The Aster has been replaced with SM-2. A bit of perusing around the internet has given me a few missiles that go with APAR. Mix-ups like these shouldn't happen anymore. ;)

-I've chosen to go with APAR on this one en lieu of I-mast.

-After reading your design specs and overview, I've chosen to nab your idea and make the M-class a part of a larger fleet or flotilla structure, for example with the destroyer I made awhile back.

-Stupid mistake. Gatekeeper has been moved higher.


Currently working on engines for the bellow deck parts sheet
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