And then the next war came - part 3

Post any drawings of planned or conceptual ships.

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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#21 Post by karlik »

In French forum are such data of the armement of improved Le Fier class
2x2-130-mm,2x2-37-mm automatic, 2x2-13,2-mm or 2x1-37-mm automatic.
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#22 Post by karlik »

Another question for Le Fier.
It was planned with two twin 100-mm gun

But here
main artillery caliber similar to a single?
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#23 Post by heuhen »

karlik wrote:Image
Some of use have learned that those reference drawing are not the best source, but you'r question is still good. But we need also think about that this vessel was a never build vessel, so there could have bean a 1000 different armament throughout the design process of that vessel.
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#24 Post by Hood »

References I have agree that the plan was for two twin 100mm mounts. I've no visual sources at hand so can't say what they would have looked like so whether the planned twin 100mm mounts were enclosed or open-backed I can't say.
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#25 Post by Garlicdesign »

Hello there

I used open 100mm twins (same as on Richelieu) for the basic design of the Fier; I also saw a rather sketchy source with two fully enclosed turrets aft. For the improved variant, according to a french newspaper bulletin provided by Colombamike, all options were being considered, including one with one turret front and one aft (called design study A). Types B and C carried four 130mm guns each, DP ones for Type C, which was about as large as an early Hardi in terms of displacement. I chose Type A because it looked the most feasible to me, but it was as irreal as all the others. Whoever wants to do the B and C type is invited to use any part of my Fier drawing as he likes.

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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#26 Post by Novice »

According to sources I had (I was going to do many Marine National ships before GD started his work) the Le Fier were to have two twin mountings which were open backed. These guns were Model 1933 and the fully enclosed mountings were with the Model 1937, which were to arm a new small mine-sweeping sloop design (Elan class?). The open backed mounting was 13t in weight while the fully enclosed mounting was to weigh in around 30t, because it had two hoists for shells, one hoist for surface fire and the other for AA fire. Also the new battleships Gascogne and Clemenceau were planned to have the fully enclosed mountings (with heavier shields, and heavier weight), as well as the cruiser De Grasse.
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#27 Post by eltf177 »

The German version was to have three single 4.13-inch (105mm) guns, the third just forward of "X" mount and only capable of broadside fire.
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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#28 Post by ptdockyard »

Great drawings! I have not heard of the improved LeFier designs, either the one shown or the one you mention with two twin 130mm DP mounts. This is exciting stuff as many of the French DD/TB what ifs are a mystery. Can you point me to a source?


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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#29 Post by Garlicdesign »

Hello PTdockyard!

As far as I know, there are no detailed drawings of the improved Le Fier class ships; my drawings are based on text sources, therefore they can only be approximations.

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Re: And then the next war came - part 3

#30 Post by ptdockyard »

Any chance we can see the images of the Le Hardi variants again?
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