FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#461 Post by nighthunter »

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#462 Post by Hood »

Looks neat in that camo, also I could imagine this actually happening. Nice work.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#463 Post by nighthunter »

Got Sabres on the Brain...

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#464 Post by nighthunter »

If NATO got Voodoo'ed:

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#465 Post by eswube »

Awesome! :)
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#466 Post by odysseus1980 »

The Voodoo's are very nice and I am glad to see the Hellenic Air Force one in them!
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#467 Post by Gollevainen »

sabres looks cute in both irish and finnish liveries.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#468 Post by schepper911 »

very nice Belgische Luchtmacht Voodoo i love it
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#469 Post by Blackscorpy »

One note about the Finnish Sabre - the code NA seems a bit unlikely, despite standing for "North American" and being unused. It'd more likely be SA (or SB or SR), for Sabre. I'm not completely sure about the numbering system, as both the Gnat and later MiG-21s had the -1xx numbering system (Drakens being DK-2xx, Hawks being HW-3xx and Hornets being HN-4xx), while the Vampires and early MiG-21s used numbers starting from one. Maybe SA-13 or -113 would be more correct?
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#470 Post by nighthunter »


First off, most Finnish serials from my research, have been Maker and Number, here are a few examples:

MiG-21: MG-47 or MG-140, while MiG-21UM: MK-105
Brewster Buffalo: BW-351
Curtiss Hawk 75: CU-566

But I am noticing that the British Aircraft in Finnish Service, have the Name as part of the serial. So you are not incorrect in the Letter part of the serials, that and I think the Finns went with the HN for the Hornet due to BMDD being too long for the serial.
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