FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#351 Post by nighthunter »

So I hang out on the Whatifmodelers.com forum a lot, and I saw this under construction, and recently the creator, Dizzyfugu, posted the completed creation. I had drawn up a concept for what I thought he may do, which I saved over, lol. Here is the finished project complete with a link to the actual thread showcasing the model.


http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php ... 042.0.html
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#352 Post by Blackbuck »

Me likey! Anything you stick a Griffon on automatically becomes cool. As they said on the whiff forums it has a certain Firebrand aesthetic to it.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#353 Post by Rowdy36 »

Blackbuck wrote:Anything you stick a Griffon on automatically becomes cool.
Agreed, especially when you put a Kangaroo on it :D
Great drawing though, and a great looking model.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#354 Post by Rhade »

Weird ... but unique design.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#355 Post by Raxar »

The Y-4 Kyrgest was the standard medium tank used by the Cenetian Army from 1940 to 1945, when it was phased out by the newer Y-5. Designed as a scaled up German Panzer, the Y-4 was built to handle the rough Cenetian terrain. This, however, proved to cause difficulties for the tanks when employed elsewhere, and relatively limited the design in numbers, being used employed on the Cenetian mainland and the Kopek Islands. Some Y-4's were sent to fight on the Eastern Front in mid-1944, where they well complimented the similar but larger Russian T-34's.
The cannon is 70mm.
Last edited by Raxar on November 11th, 2012, 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#356 Post by Rhade »

Small turret and unusual large caliber for 38', Maybe try with some low velocity 50mm or standard 40 mm. But first, what kind of tank use doctrine Cenet approve ?

In technical terms, you use wrong fonts Raxar, too small. ;)
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#357 Post by Hood »

That CAC Corsair looks awesome, both in plastic and pixel! It looks much sleeker and meaner than the F-4U with the Griffon. It's a shame this was never attempted in the real-world (imagine this aboard RN carriers instead of the Firecrest/ Wyvern saga...)
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#358 Post by Raxar »

Rhade wrote:Small turret and unusual large caliber for 38', Maybe try with some low velocity 50mm or standard 40 mm. But first, what kind of tank use doctrine Cenet approve ?
The Y-4 was meant to be used as a "go anywhere, kill things with big gun" tank. Cenet builds lots of light tanks and lots of meduim tanks, but in fewer numbers, and few heavy tanks as en masse engagements were never intended. While using a similar doctrine to Japan, Cenet uses most of it's tanks on the mainland and Kopek Islands incase of invasion. If that were to happen, the plan would be to draw inland, using the rough Cenetian terrain as an obstacle to the enemy. At that point the tanks would take the offensive, slogging through the rough terrain that should bog down enemy armor. Due to Cenet being primarily a naval power, lots of tanks would also be used to help Cenet's ally, Japan, elsewhere in the Pacific. Most of these were light tanks, as they were easier to produce and ship. The Y-4 was also used for this at first, but problems with fine sand when used in the South Pacific forced their main use outside of the homeland to be in China. One of the most successful light tanks used was the YL-7, which will come soon.
Also, fonts? What do you mean, I'm using the biggest one I have, and it's only 1px. shorter than standard.

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#359 Post by heuhen »

font = Ariel
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#360 Post by Rhade »

Raxar wrote:Also, fonts? What do you mean, I'm using the biggest one I have, and it's only 1px. shorter than standard.
And ... why you don't use a standard then ?

I see you are close to japs doctrine, in that case you overpower that tank. Japs use there tanks as infantry support, they arm them in low velocity 37mm guns. You arm that tank ... in 38' with 70mm gun with pretty long barrel. No country on the world in that time use that kind of powerful weapon on tanks. They just don't need it. There is no need for that gun, well maybe if you just want a kick-us-gun-who-kill-everything in start, we call this a overpower. ;)
And you use a Christie suspension ... how and why ?

Let me show you a proper size and fonts:

No need to credit me, I don't see any large or small part of my work. ;)
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