EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC channel)

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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#11 Post by MihoshiK »

Midnightnova wrote:So if it was a fake, who was it? One of the banned people sowing disruption as a kind of revenge?
Beats me. Might be, but it's a rather silly thing...

And of little impact to me: If I want to shoot the shit, so to speak, I do it on Spacebattles.com. That's the main reason you'll seldomly see me posting in the off-topic forums. I'm here for the art, mostly.
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#12 Post by Demon Lord Razgriz »

Well, whoever it was has undone the bans.
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#13 Post by MConrads »

Hi folks,

all I can say is that it wasn't me.

As to recent events: I haven't followed any discussions for the better parts of two years so I don't know what's been going on. I just want to remind everybody as to the reasons you are here and participating in this little "project": The love for ships in the first place and the fascinations this kind of "simple" style seems to invoke.

Anybody who cannot connect to those sentiments: Please leave.

All the others: Keep on drawing. I am still collection all of your work. There is some great stuff around and some great "new" artists. Don't waste your time arguing around and just have some fun. After all that's what this is to make: FUN!!!

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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#14 Post by Portsmouth Bill »


Sorry MConrads, but so glad to hear from you. I sincerely hope that your words are understood: about why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing. I've just spent the last few days in not drawing ships and I want to get back to it :(

And, on the subject of an IRC channel; is this what I think it is? Another way of saying what you can already on the Forum?
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#15 Post by Midnightnova »

Basically Portsmouth. I find the IRC useful for asking for detailed information about radars, aircraft and missiles, etc. You can respond immediately without waiting for messages and responses to thereof.

There were comments to the effect that the channel was being used as a kind of political soapbox/podium. To an extent I have seen that, though it still is useful for the original intended purpose. I guess the best way would be to look at the IRC channel as an adjunct and supplement for the forum.
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#16 Post by Archimage »

The 'attack' was most likely committed by a angry banned Shipbucket member, who got himself banned on the IRC that day as well for spamming p0rn links. The bans were undone and the channel fixed by Colo a few hours later.

It is impossible to prove who did it because the user was run through a proxy. But this is just an example as to why I made everyone cough up a Shipbucket forum name and some sort of confirmation before they were voiced or Oped. *Points to confirmation TG from Golly*

I find it hard to believe that one of the Shipbucket staff would do this, as we are all more civilized then that, aren't we?

And not to add to the fire, but in my personal view, the IRC channel is an invaluable resource for both ship-talk, both drawing and non drawing related.

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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#17 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

Point taken Guys.

It looks as though I'm going to have to learn how to use this 'thingy' :( Any pointers?
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#18 Post by Gollevainen »

Shipbucket staff is not responsible of it. I believe MConrads when he said it wasen't him, and despite the channel was beeing used in rather obscure ranting over my own self, I propaply wouldn't even know how to destroy it, as I don't use IRC (and when i need to know something about radars and stuff, I check it from books or other relieable sources ;) ). Also I seriously doupt Colloseum to destroy it either...

I did however remove the link to there from here, becouse frankly, when we were holding on difficould managment transfer process with Colloseum, we certainly didn't need some angry bystanders to plot of trademarking shipbucket and all that shit that took place in the IRC ( [evil dictator laughter]where I have eyes as I have them in everywhere muhahahaa...[/evil dictator laughter])
The IRC channel is not "official" shipbucket channel, but just something created by our members.
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#19 Post by Hood »

Never been on this IRC channel. Don't really intend to. Chat forums about forums seems to be a box inside a box to me. What's the point?

Like I say, bring back the good old days. Anyone who knew Mconrads from the dawn of SB would know he wouldn't do anything like that. I'd rather hope most members here would also have the sense to refrain from such actions too.
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Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan

#20 Post by Demon Lord Razgriz »

We found out who did it, his name's Ulan and has such been banned.

As for the point of the IRC, you know who's on and you can talk to them without wait(usually anyway).
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