Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#11 Post by bezobrazov »

Well, colo, pardon me if I do that, but your language kinda invites that sort of comprehension. It is, simply said, not very nice to be put down, even indirectly, constantly by a member, even though this member is a founder of the web community. I immensely respect you and your abilities. What I don't understand, what puzzles me, is whether this respect is returned. If it is, then I do apologize, if not, well, I've said my five cents...
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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#12 Post by Colosseum »

Literally nothing I write is meant as a serious personal attack.
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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#13 Post by Gollevainen »

Gollevainen, you and I are literally the only people here who have ever invested real money into SB/FD. The rest are cheapskates who talk about wanting nice things but aren't willing to put down money for it.
yeah, though the sums for what own FD scale forum/database needs is rather small...knowhow to do so would be vastly more important, as well as sort of acceptance of the FD scale lot to follow.

As of investing SB, I make enough monthly from my pay that the little money I spend on this are definetly not burden to my economy. In sense I don't even want any investers around, since to many that migth mean some sort of expecations of power, and in SB; power and status are not for sale ;)
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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#14 Post by Rhade »

Gollevainen wrote:and in SB; power and status are not for sale
You devil! that's was my evil master plan! :twisted:
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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#15 Post by odysseus1980 »

Personally I have in my computer many designs from here,if someone needs something which is impossible to find anywhere else,I will be glad to help.
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Re: Is someone saving all the FD aircrafts/vehicles?

#16 Post by Vodianoi »

Give it to me, the ultra mega 105 Megabytes MS paint file. Jojojo. I dream with that endless scroll down...
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