how do we correct this?

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Razgriz BSG-27
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how do we correct this?

#1 Post by Razgriz BSG-27 »


okay I need to credit ... =15&t=3396
hull bits,along with it's prop and sonar bulge

I would like to analyze the feasibility of this, and correct as such
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Re: how do we correct this?

#2 Post by Trojan »

you have to credit the hull its more that just "aesthetic cues" honestly, though I could be wrong and maybe another member can confer
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Re: how do we correct this?

#3 Post by acelanceloet »

I really doubt that would be the hull. IIRC, arsenal ships would be slow, large missile carriers, nothing more. because of that, they don't carry much sensors (which you have done correct) but because of that, I doubt they would have an sonar, especially that sonar!
the hull would most likely be one similar to (fast) container vessels, with an block coefficient of about 0.65.

the bilge keel on that position gives an huge drag penalty while not being of much use. also, pay attention to what parts are: the largest of the 'openings' in the hull is an diesel generator exhaust/coolwater spill from the perry class...... which is not only 20 years older then this ship (and by that should these days look at least slightly different) but you also have them on positions were those generators would most likely not be, such as next to the VLS.
note also that the propellers are high speed props..... not suitable at all for this ship. also, the engines are basically on top of the propellers here, so you are going to get problems there.
you will need cooling systems for the VLS as well ;)

drawing wise, the bend-line in the hull should be grey IMO, as it is no 90 degree turn, and you have several 'beams' of the prearie masker system on wrong places and discontinioud below the waterline.
so, especially in the 'copying' work, there is a lot to do. yeah, that copying is not entirely your fault, as gunship made that mistake already on his burke, but this is exactly the reason why I tell people to use only the parts they know what they are.
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: how do we correct this?

#4 Post by Lebroba »

Praerie is on the propeller blades. Masker is the belts.
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Re: how do we correct this?

#5 Post by acelanceloet »

correct, but if you google them separate I doubt you would find anything, so I named them together.
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Re: how do we correct this?

#6 Post by Cowboy40 »

Concept doesn't work, at least in simulations. The ship is volnrable to both air and sub attack, with really no way of defending herself.

Yes if she makes it her firing position, she can deliver one hell of a salvo in support of land operations. This was the stated goad of the ship.

She requires a lot of escort to protect her
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Re: how do we correct this?

#7 Post by acelanceloet »

correct. the point of this entire ship was just to carry huge amounts of missiles to the battlefield, without any sensors or directors on board. this would be controlled by AEGIS ships and AWACS aircraft.
also, if you compare, her defensive arnament is actually on par with that of most aircraft carriers.
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: how do we correct this?

#8 Post by klagldsf »

The concept base isn't actually an Arsenal Ship; if you look at the small image to the right he pasted as reference, you can actually see embedded SPY-1 panels.
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