FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#191 Post by Guillermo2312 »

thanks indiajuliet, i will use the new ones
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#192 Post by nighthunter »

Here is something I found while looking for stuff on Hawk 75s, a P-40 floatplane, now these never exhisted, and the original idea was done up on the What-if Aircraft forum, the original artist used a far larger design and use stuff from the Seahawk, I used parts from WhyMe's Seamew.

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#193 Post by indiajuliet »

nighthunter wrote:Here is something I found while looking for stuff on Hawk 75s, a P-40 floatplane, now these never exhisted, and the original idea was done up on the What-if Aircraft forum, the original artist used a far larger design and use stuff from the Seahawk, I used parts from WhyMe's Seamew.

Looks great, Nighthunter. Would the aircraft be ship based and catapult launched? Do you know how different the performance of the aircraft would be compared to the conventional land based aircraft, due to the modifications?
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#194 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

This looks cute. Along with Grumman, I love the Curtiss designs :)
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#195 Post by nighthunter »

@ indiajuliet: Well the design from "What-if" stated they would be used like the "Hurricats", ship launched, I would suspect that performence would suffer slightly due to the added extra weight of the floats to a point, but they would mostly be used to intercept bombers, like the Condor or Betty, not dogfight with fighters. Although it may have performed well in a Dogfight against the "Rufe", depending on the pilot. I was kinda remiss in using my AU P-40 for the design when I should have used the unmarked P-40, because the Sqn for my AU P-40's were land based and I forgot to change the Sqn Code. XD

@ PB: Thanks Bill!
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#196 Post by Hood »

Looks very good. Interestingly Grumman did actually build a Wildcat seaplane fighter.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#197 Post by Obsydian Shade »

Regards performance, based on the floatplane version of the Zero, I'd deduct around 20% as a rule of thumb.
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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#198 Post by nighthunter »

Updated P-46!

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#199 Post by nighthunter »

And now for a turboprop done my way, Symetrical exhaust!

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Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs

#200 Post by Blackbuck »

Wonderful! All we need now is a similarly modified three/four seater Skyraider at some point. (None of this Skyshark nonsense).
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