Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#31 Post by Gollevainen »

So Golly, what happens to the dynasty of the Palaeologi? Or the Cantacuzeni? Or the Lascardis or, for that matter, the Grand Comnenoi? And, seriously, I find it extremely implausible that the Rhomaioi would accept a Slavic, furthermore, eastern Slavic dynasty. Remember, the self consciousness and national sentiments of this people was unusually high and vivid, feed by the Greek-Orthodox church and Imperial iconography.I know it's your AU and so everything and anything goes, but the lack of a realistic footing in many of the current AU:s does bother me; are people not knowledgeable enough about their subject matters (which I like to believe you are), or?
In other words, I cannot buy your AU history as it stands, especially the "Drang nach Osten" that you describe, since there never was any conscious attempt or program to lay lands in the East under the Imperial Domain, other than what had been old Roman territory or might've belonged to any of the Successor states in the 4th to 1st centuries BCE.
You must read the first incranation of this history, posted in the "The AU thread". In brief the whole "East Roman empire" is more of an bulgarian and othe slavic migrants adoting the frames of the old Latin/Creek empire since 7th century. In the 15th century from which this part starts East Roman Empire is already troughout south-slavic and adopting east slavic rule after Vasili isen't that paramount issue. The short Rurikovich rule didn't shatter the foundations that much and the replacing Romanov dynasty had its roots deeply in Constantinopol. The Balegov dynasty is de facto the OTL Palaeologi dynasty. They just aren't Creeks, they are Slavs.

The very issue of "making it slav" is the key to this. Indeed why would Creek venture into Russia? Slavs in the otherhand have far more reasons, uniting similar cultural and religious people under single banner is far more logical. And as this AU isen't some puristic attempt to create AU East Rome, but get a base for those damn carriers, one needs to cut some shortroads to forge the thing into its shape;)
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#32 Post by bezobrazov »

Well, Golly, while I thank you for your very lucid explanation, it still remains very spurious to me. I suppose it's the trained Byzantologist in me crying out loud...

But, as I said too, it's your AU, so anything and everything goes.... - and I respect your viewpoint on the matter.
My Avatar:Петр Алексеевич Безобразов (Petr Alekseevich Bezobrazov), Вице-адмирал , царская ВМФ России(1845-1906) - I sign my drawings as Ari Saarinen
Adm Emett
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#33 Post by Adm Emett »

Enough with back story ships please.
I am an Admiral of the Mcnenrian Royal Navy....and an Anglophile a lover of English things. also I like the Red Fleet. I am here on shipbucket to bulid a navy. I will maybe post a thread for artists to submit designs. I will make the navy basically UK with the USN budget.....
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#34 Post by Gollevainen »

@bezo, yea I aknowledge that my intruption of the alternative history migth be bit "trolling" for diehard byzantofiles, My approach has always been been more slovophopic breaktrough to the oceans. Alternative history is however only part of the AU, most of my actuall scenario is based on post 1945 fleet of the nation, other aspects are more of background nation.

@others, patience, there will be more history and then actuall descriptions of the both Finnish and Soviet fleets and geo strategy, only then ships ;)
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#35 Post by Adm Emett »

The history was so damn wordy :evil: I could not really comprehend...stratagey should be a quick clear summary
I am an Admiral of the Mcnenrian Royal Navy....and an Anglophile a lover of English things. also I like the Red Fleet. I am here on shipbucket to bulid a navy. I will maybe post a thread for artists to submit designs. I will make the navy basically UK with the USN budget.....
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#36 Post by bezobrazov »

Golly, I appreciate your explanation, and yes, I suppose I could label myself a Diehard Byzantophile, having spent some 30 odd years studying that empire. So I really shouldn't bother reading your AU history, nit because it'd be bad, but because it goes against my notion of the possible and probable.
My Avatar:Петр Алексеевич Безобразов (Petr Alekseevich Bezobrazov), Вице-адмирал , царская ВМФ России(1845-1906) - I sign my drawings as Ari Saarinen
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#37 Post by Rhade »

Thats the whole idea of AU, make something "what if". Golly put a lot of work in that and I like it. It's big, it's complex ... it's wonderful. :D I think that good backstory is a very important thing in AU.
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#38 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

Adm Emett wrote:The history was so damn wordy :evil: I could not really comprehend...stratagey should be a quick clear summary
This is not a teenage forum
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#39 Post by Adm Emett »

:? :? :? :? Sorry I will try to
Portsmouth Bill wrote:
Adm Emett wrote:The history was so damn wordy :evil: I could not really comprehend...stratagey should be a quick clear summary
This is not a teenage forum
Sorry sir :?
I am an Admiral of the Mcnenrian Royal Navy....and an Anglophile a lover of English things. also I like the Red Fleet. I am here on shipbucket to bulid a navy. I will maybe post a thread for artists to submit designs. I will make the navy basically UK with the USN budget.....
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Re: Alternative Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact

#40 Post by Gollevainen »

Mind that the histories are allready summaries ;)
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