5 feet between hull ports? Crap, I counted wrong. oops. I'll remove the lower row and move the upper row down a smidge.
Boats. - Most of the boats are on the port side, I didn't know how to show that though. Maybe just do the boats, then overlay everything else over them so they are just peaking over the top? That might give too many black lines melding together though. There might be room on the starboard side for 1 or 2 more, but I didn't want them to interfere with catapult operations.
Mast mounted directors - Yeah, never been too happy with that location but for the life of me can't think of any place else to put the bloody things. I believe that was one of the first things I asked when I posted rev 1 of this thing.

Maybe move #4 and #5 turrets aft a bit and mount them on a platform between the turrets and hanger?
Boat crane - Yes, its a more modern design than I wanted, but I tried to "oldify"
(is that even a word? lol) it by opening the interior of the boom and such. Obviously, not enough. Most of the older cranes I saw on the parts sheet just looked too large. Maybe I'll try and draw something on my own.
Jig boom - forgot that.
Armored conning tower - It seems that our command personnel loath those things and rarely, if ever, used them even in combat, preferring to use the standard bridge instead, so we have tried to save weight by not including them since the early 20's. (translation - we wised up before the RN and USN did and stopped putting those things on there earlier.
