First let me welcome you aboard, and now for the critique
One , never use JPEG to upload your drawings. Use GIF or PNG instead. If your image hosting site does not support this function use either majhost, imageshack or photobucket.
In my opinion six twin turrets is way too much on the hull. Four turrets is more than enough. Secondary armament looks too modern for a battleship, use something else.
Thank you Kim for the crest
"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"
Novice wrote:In my opinion six twin turrets is way too much on the hull.
I think that is a 18" Japanese Turret on the Yamato Class. 18 guns is seriously overkill for most circumstances and I recommend more secondaries for a ship this size.
Yes, welcome aboard With the design, the hull is really quite good, so you've got the basics for an interesting design; my advice would be to accept any advice and see what you can develop here.
She can't carry 6 turrets. when i designed her with 5 turrets, I was designing her to the limit, and had to reduce on armor and engine size. but with 4. turrets you culd increas armor and engines, so she can survive a gunfight easy.
I do fully understand that 6 18" cannons are overkill, and came here knowing people would "yell" at me for doing so, but thats just how i'm used to making things. A lot of things i've built normally involve over-sized/impractical/overkill Designs, but thats just how I roll.
So would it be possible to Either Lengthen/Widen the Hull to allow the 6 turrets to stand, or is there no chance for them at all?
And for the secondaries, I thought those were the ones used on the Iowa, but maybe not? Anyways, i switched them out for the Mk.32's.
But say I were to Remove the 2 of the turrets, could that open room for say a 12"?
Furturewarfare's Worklist:
-LRAM INC. Shipyards NAF Titan-Class Carrier "King"
-LRAM INC. Shipyards NAF Objective Global Super-Warship Goliath "Ace of Aces"
-LRAM INC. Shipyards NAF Blitzker-Class Guided Missile Destroyer "Knight"
-LRAM INC. Shipyards NAF Lancer-Class Guided Missile Cruiser "Bishop"
-LRAM INC. Shipyards NAF Aegis-Class ASW/AAW Cruiser "Rook"
"We are the Aces of Aces, We fly high and fight to survive"
You got them from the Post WW2 parts sheet (they are the Mk 45 Mod 4s). You'll want something like the Mk 12 5"/38 twin, or the Mk 16 5"/54 single, or, when I find it, the twin version of the Mk 16 (It's someplace on my hard drive).