A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

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A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#1 Post by acelanceloet »

now the hull is mostly finished, I thought I would post the ship for comments. tell me what you think of it....
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#2 Post by MC Spoilt B'stard »

looking good sofar just one tip '' The starboard (side drawn) side of the ship is using a navy RHIB and on the Portside a Man Overboard Boat is placed (MOB boat). would love to see the end result! after this one maybe the '' Urania'' sailing ship?(A)
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#3 Post by acelanceloet »

MC Spoilt B'stard wrote:looking good sofar just one tip '' The starboard (side drawn) side of the ship is using a navy RHIB and on the Portside a Man Overboard Boat is placed (MOB boat). would love to see the end result! after this one maybe the '' Urania'' sailing ship?(A)
thanks! the urania will most likely one of the next ones, but I want to finish some stuff for the dutch parts sheet first.... btw, somebody happens to have a nice drawing of the dutch navy's standard RHIB? I have pictures and so on, but not it's exact size and dimensions, except the ones on my ref for the van kinsbergen.
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#4 Post by MC Spoilt B'stard »


I only have the information of the newest production line of 14 Damen RIB 2000D of the RNLN.

Owner Royal Dutch Navy, The Netherlands
Delivery date 2010
Length (m) o.a. 7.00
Beam (m) o.a. 2.60
Speed (knots) with 3 pers. 31.00
Speed (knots) with 6 pers. 30.00

I will try to get my hands on some linedrawings sa a gave you of the Super-RHIB or LCVP MKIV
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#5 Post by acelanceloet »

almost done. only the RHIB and crane need to be added, and some small details, like the anchor. hope to finish this evening, but as I still have to draw the RHIB, it may take a bit longer. please comment.....
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#6 Post by acelanceloet »

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#7 Post by Rhade »

Just one more ")" ace' ;)
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#8 Post by Novice »

Lovely "Ace" :)
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#9 Post by Mitchell van Os »

I suggest to use a more softer yellow.
I saw her today again and its indeed soft like this ^---
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Re: A 902 Van Kinsbergen (Dutch Navel Traniee Vessel)

#10 Post by Oozlefinch »

Sort of a buff color, looks like to me. Perhaps like this?
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