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Re: Submarines

#211 Post by Bombhead »

Wolfman.I believe thats what we in the west called them before we knew their true names.
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Re: Submarines

#212 Post by Wolfman »

Bombhead wrote:Wolfman.I believe thats what we in the west called them before we knew their true names.
It's easier to remember than the actual name. No offense meant to anyone, of course...
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Re: Submarines

#213 Post by klagldsf »

NATO assigns Chinese submarine class names apparently based on dynasty names (Ming, Han, etc) for who knows what reason. Destroyers and frigates are assigned class code names based usually on one of the yards they're spotted to be building at, or if already taken another large identifiable city. Beyond that, individual ships are classified by NATO either by hull number or by known PLAAN identifier. The Chinese themselves only assign number identification to their sub hulls, while surface ships are assigned both a prominent identification number and an actual vessel name (similar to US practice). It's my understanding that surface ships are named rather randomly too - some destroyers are indeed named after cities, others after captains of particular noteworthiness, militarily or politically.

Since there's only one carrier, and since we have a fairly good idea who it's named after, NATO just uses the actual PLAAN identifier.
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Re: Submarines

#214 Post by Mia_36 »


I'm really sorry if this isn't the right area to put this question but I have been looking for World War One submarines on this site but I can't seem to find any. Has anybody drawn any?

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Re: Submarines

#215 Post by WhyMe »

Here are a few examples:
German UBI
Austro-Hungarian U5
Portuguese Foca

There are might be more.

Re: Submarines

#216 Post by ALVAMA »

WhyMe wrote:Here are a few examples:
German UBI
Austro-Hungarian U5
Portuguese Foca

There are might be more.
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Re: Submarines

#217 Post by Carthaginian »

Novice wrote:One more from my work list, is HMS Rorqual, a mine laying submarine built in 1936, and the only one of her class to survive WW2.

The 'Racy Rorqual'- a real beauty!
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Re: Submarines

#218 Post by emperor_andreas »

Has anyone done the WWII Italian Marcello or Marconi submarine classes? I've searched but can't find them.

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Re: Submarines

#219 Post by Lazer_one »

I am working on italian submarines: several profile are missed.
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Re: Submarines

#220 Post by nighthunter »

Fixed all the issues so far.
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