Here she is with hanger extended/closed. (also some minor edits)
I was shooting for 22 SM-2, 24 ESSM, 12 Tom, 8 VLA, and 8 Harpoons.TimothyC wrote:Steel is cheep, and with small ships, the ability to have a hanger and a landing pad is good. If you want to keep your Tomahawks, you really do need to make the hull longer. Plus as I noted, your Harpoon launchers look big enough to mount Tomahawks which would let you go down to Tactical length VLS (where you can mount VLA, SM-2, ESSM, and if you do the R&D, maybe VLH(arpoon)).
A stretch is not a bad idea.[working]
Question-- VL 'poons being not available, what other way could you render harpoon launchers low observable? The standard 'dropping them down a deck behind walls' setup seems unreasonably wasteful of space, much more so than my LO boxes.
On another point of controversy, the point defense weapons traverse and elevate together on a ring built into the mast, with a couple of degrees of independent traverse. Tracker mounted on ring facing forward in drawing, ammunition drums slung beneath each weapon. Thinking about GIAT 791's, single barrel(liq cooled for this app),30mm, 1000mps/3300fps, 2500rpm EACH(not a typo!, hence the liq coolant), for only approx. 200kg/440lbs. each. (weapons only; stats from memory, don't quote me on em') Not a orthodox solution by any means, but has the benefits of not taking cells from ESSM, which are the primary CIWS. Considered two 11rd RAMs instead of cannon, but estimated guns were a little lighter,even with ammo(1 rnd RAM=45kg/99lbs+). I also consider a well maintained revolver cannon a little more reliable.(gut feeling, no info to back that up)