HMS Tiger (C20), 1980s Guided Missile Cruiser Conversion (Alternate History)

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HMS Tiger (C20), 1980s Guided Missile Cruiser Conversion (Alternate History)

#1 Post by USS_Dogwater »


Context: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=11088
Based on the feedback I received on Discord from my first project where I turned the HMS Belfast into a guided missile cruiser, I learned that it made more sense in the alternate timeline that I fabricated to justify Belfast's modernization, for the Tiger-class cruiser to instead be modernized and reactivated as guided missile cruisers. This more realistic outcome within the alternate timeline would spare the HMS Belfast from being dragged out of retirement.

Most of the feedback I've received on Discord was fairly positive. I have taken note of a suggestion to have the forward superstructure rebuilt from scratch, but I have chosen not to take this step in the near term; I am quite new to the Shipbucket community and have yet to develop the necessary skills for more ambitious modifications. Nevertheless, I am open to learning more and I hope to someday develop the ability to create from scratch. If and when that happens, I will revisit this piece and redo the forward superstructure aboard this alternate HMS Tiger as promised. To make this fit within the alternate timeline, the decision against rebuilding and restructuring the forward superstructure would've been a cost-cutting and time-saving measure.

As always, I am open to further feedback. I may not be as active on the forum or the official Discord in the coming weeks as I return to college, but I will still be around in some capacity to receive and respond to said feedback and, God-willing, have enough free time to do additional artwork.
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Re: HMS Tiger (C20), 1980s Guided Missile Cruiser Conversion (Alternate History)

#2 Post by adenandy »

Welcome to Shipbucket. For a 1st attempt, I've seen a lot worse!
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