Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

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Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#1 Post by Charguizard »


After consulting with the staff I present you with a little distraction.

Welcome, gentlesophs, to the Star Destroyer (Unofficial) Challenge. The objective for the participants is to draw a Star Destroyer type warship that fits within the Star Wars universe.

The Requirements are as follows:
Ship must fit within the Star Wars universe.
Use 4m to 1px scale.
Minimum length of 600m, maximum of 3000m.
Shape must be vaguely arrowhead-like.
Up to 3 views are allowed, one of these must be a side view.

There is no faction requirement or era requirement, I would like to encourage you to draw anything, from Sith Empire to Resistance, Mandalorians or Hutts, anything that tickles your fancy so long as its a Star Destroyer. The intention is, however, to exclude “super” Star Destroyers or smaller ships that are not line warships. Still, be creative and have fun.

Here's an example template:


The deadline is tentatively on March the 15th, where I will announce a judgement method of my choosing.
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#2 Post by Corp »

The Matador class Light Star Destroyer was a class of warships designed as a replacement for the widely used Gladiator Class. While the Gladiator had enough firepower to suppress most rebel cells during the early stages of the Galactic Civil, as it progressed, the Rebellion began fielding larger and more capable capital ships. In particular introduction of MC75 and later MC80 class Star Cruisers meant that Gladiator led patrol units often found themselves completely outmatched in battle. Their limited turbo lasers were unable to punch through the thick shields of the Mon Calamari Cruisers and their limited air wings were often outnumbered. The Matador Class was designed to resolve these shortcomings
While not much larger than the Gladiator, the Matador was much more heavily armed. The most notable differences in armament was the addition of the Laser Ram, a high powered spinal mount weapon. Designed to pierce the thick shields of Rebel Capital ships, the Laser Ram allows the Matador to "Punch Up" in a fight. Other major changes include additional turbo lasers compared to the gladiator and a much larger star fighter wing. The Matador's embarked landing force was comparable to the Gladiator with the exception that the Matador was capable of carrying more and heavier walkers. A typical landing force was an Two mechanized battalions of storm troopers with repulsor craft and an Imperial Walker Company.
Fielded late in the Galactic Civil War, the Matador class stuggled to gain adaoption as the Empire's power rapidly dwindled. The much higher construction and operating costs compared to the Gladiator meant it was hard to field in large numbers and only a handful of ships entered service before the program was halted.

Primary Armamant:
8 x Twin Turbo Laser Turrets
8 x Concussion Missile Launchers
20 x Laser Cannons
1 x Laser Ram

Landing Craft:
2 x Gozanti Class Attack Transports
4 x Theta Class Landing Barges
4 x Sentinel-class landing craft
6 x Lambda Class Shuttles

Fighter Wing:
8 Tie bombers
8 Tie Interceptors
32 Tie Fighters
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#3 Post by heuhen »

Charguizard wrote: January 21st, 2024, 2:41 am Image

After consulting with the staff I present you with a little distraction.

Welcome, gentlesophs, to the Star Destroyer (Unofficial) Challenge. The objective for the participants is to draw a Star Destroyer type warship that fits within the Star Wars universe.

The Requirements are as follows:
Ship must fit within the Star Wars universe.
Use 4m to 1px scale.
Minimum length of 600m, maximum of 3000m.
Shape must be vaguely arrowhead-like.
Up to 3 views are allowed, one of these must be a side view.

There is no faction requirement or era requirement, I would like to encourage you to draw anything, from Sith Empire to Resistance, Mandalorians or Hutts, anything that tickles your fancy so long as its a Star Destroyer. The intention is, however, to exclude “super” Star Destroyers or smaller ships that are not line warships. Still, be creative and have fun.

Here's an example template:


The deadline is tentatively on March the 15th, where I will announce a judgement method of my choosing.
I recommend not to link pictures from discord, it is not always it work. Well for me it never works.
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#4 Post by Jxyzer »


Note: This follows an Earth Victory Timeline as based on Templin Institue's Earth vs an Imperial Invasion
The Antares Class
The Antares Class is one of the first domestically designed star destroyers of the Concordat of Earth. The Antares class is a mix of anachronistic technologies, improved designs, and reverse-engineered technology by the Concordat. Most of the technology that the Concordat has reverse-engineered is considered only a slight upgrade from the original but nevertheless, it made much of the required components to be able to reduced in size and compartmentalized further. The Antares Class still uses the original schematics for Victory-Class star destroyer's Hyperdrives and Deflector fields as the science and technological specifications and manufacturing of it are still a mystery to the Concordat. Most of the armament, weapon design, and other redundancy systems have been improved further. It has a heavily armored Dorsal and Ventral far more armored than most traditional star destroyers.

The Antares Class was one of the first encountered star destroyers by the Empire after witnessing the destruction or colonization of multiple outposts, settlements, and systems near the Unknown Regions, along side flanked with Victory-Class star destroyers that do not bear the colors of the Empire nor the symbols and communication and access codes. The Celestial Pillar Was the lead flagship of the Invasion force against Montross and Bastion where a stalemate between the Concordat and Empire forced them to retreat.

6x2 M1188 Heavy Ion Cannons
14x2 M883 Turbolaser Batteries
3x10 M991 Proton Cruise Missiles
14x2 Phalanx III CIWS
Various Electronic Warfare Systems
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#5 Post by Charguizard »

I have extended the deadline to April the 7th. Pray that I do not extend it further.
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#6 Post by OCEANology_789 »


Vitriolic Class (19BBY retrofit)

The Vitriolic Class was designed soon after the acclamator was approved for construction, and before the senator class. It was one of many ship classes which contributed to the evolution of the acclamator to the venator. The Vitriolic was made for ship on ship combat, with limited hangar space (less than half of an ISD I/II) and a plethora of turbo lasers, shields and hull strength. Soon after the republic began facing off against Munificents and Recusants, each outfitted with modern ion cannon technology, the republic built and installed their own onto the ventral bow of the Vitriolic. Though the armament is overwhelming in number, the newly designed DBY-807 turbo lasers suffered somewhat low velocity plasma bolts, which contributed to somewhat limited range. The main batteries being somewhat underwhelming in firepower did allow many more batteries to be installed than most star destroyers could, including a matching set of 12 on the ventral hull. This being mostly thanks to the low energy requirements of the DBY-805. It also carried DBY-433 medium calibre turrets, as well as a few point defence turrets, having been slapped on after construction as a response to seperatist fighter tactics. There were many variations of the armaments, shielding, and hangars, numbering at least 14 different kinds of vitriolic class ships that one could come across. Despite that, most classes remained the same in their roles as ship-to-ship brawlers.

The Vitriolic saw use across many fields of war, several battles with close range fire allowed the ship to gain a decent reputation amongst admirals and captains up until it was being forced into multi role missions, which necessitated less direct fleet engagement. when its efficient "murder-guns" didn't have the opportunity to rip apart separatist ships, the ship became rather more expensive and somewhat unfit for many tasks as its passenger and cargo capacity was extremely limited. As the use of the Vitriolic class became more restricted, the freshly built Venators began to see unparalleled success amongst the other republic star destroyers. the Vitriolic was soon whittled off of the production line. But having lost only 8 out of 52 produced during the war showed its capabilities in its intended role. Unfortunately for the class, the need for dedicated brawlers had faded with the age of the clone wars. The empire sold several to scrapyards for dismantling and while it was able to receive the new imperial shield generators and several of their smaller turbo lasers, it was too difficult to modernize the outdated DBY-805. Nor could the ship support any of the new compartments and systems that could reconfigure the Vitriolic as a multi-role ship. The ship only saw continued service in certain quiet regions of space, or when stolen by the Rebel Alliance, few remaining independent systems, or pirate kingdoms.

24x2 DBY-807 Turbolaser Batteries
8x2 DBY-653 Turbolaser Batteries
10x2 DBY-433 Light Turbolaser Batteries
1x2 EIC-30 Heavy Ion Cannon
7x3 DBY-57b Point Defence Turrets
3 Tractor Beam Projectors
8 Proton Torpedo Tubes
1.0 Class Hyperdrive
30 fighter capacity
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#7 Post by APDAF »

The hammer of the Clans

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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#8 Post by Charguizard »


The Excitor-class design was tendered to remaining industry after the fall of the One Sith in order to replace several classes of obsolete warships. Incorporating lessons from the war just fought resulted in a configuration similar to Fel Empire designs but with less crew requirements.

These ships would operate as independent patrol cruisers, ostensibly maintaining peace and order across the galaxy. Unlike old Galactic Empire ships, they did not carry a prefabricated garrison and a large compliment of stormtroopers. Instead, they housed two intervention companies of "Peace Troopers" and their dropships. In accordance to Alliance doctrine, the ship possesses vast hangars to carry nine squadrons of large starfighters, amounting to 120 craft including reserves. These form the ship's main punch. Its organic weapons batteries don't fall too far behind, the ship possessing one hundred heavy turbolasers, much more powerful than those of eras bygone, and twenty eight twin laser cannons for close defense. Two gravity well generators allow it to interdict hyperspace shipping as well.
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#9 Post by Charguizard »

Many thanks to all of you who participated, the next process will be done shortly.
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Re: Star Destroyer Challenge (Unofficial)

#10 Post by Colombus »


Upon Independence from the Galactic Republic, the Naboo Navy was quick to start a Star Destroyer development program, which would have seen the construction of Naboo's first own SD. Their initial use, althought limited, was mostly reserved for diplomatic missions and shows of force to nearby systems, but with the total collapse of the Republic and the start of the Second Galactic Civil War, later versions would sacrifice beauty in favor of more Point-Defense laser cannons and an extended hangar.

The Amidala Class shared many common traits with most other vessels of the pre-independence era, such as a very streamlined figure, intra-atmospheric propulsors, a dorsal bridge, and a metalic reflective outer shell partially covered by semi-opaque paint.

4x Ion Drive thrusters
2x Atmospheric Propulsors

8x Heavy Turbolaser turrets
8x Medium Dual Turbolasers
18x Point-Defense Laser Cannons
2x Proton Torpedo Tubes
2x Tractor Beam Projectors

22x N-1 Starfighters
1x J-type 327 Nubian Starship
1x Naboo Royal Starship

(Being late to the deadline, I would understand if my entry is not considered for further processes, but I wanted to showcase it nonetheless)
- Colombus
Projects: Yudonia, DeviantArt profile
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