Men-at-Arms Challenge

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Kiwi Imperialist
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Men-at-Arms Challenge

#1 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

An example from the Men-at-Arms series by Osprey.

Welcome to the Men-at-Arms Challenge! Inspired by cover art from the Men-at-Arms series, this challenge asks participants to create three military or law-enforcement figures in Soldierbucket scale for the provided book cover-style template. Please read the requirements and rules before submitting an entry. If you have ideas of your own for a future challenge, consider sharing them in the Future Challenge Ideas/Suggestions thread. Do not be afraid to make a suggestion that has already been made. It shows that multiple people are interested in a particular topic.

Drawing Requirements
  1. You must draw three Alternate Universe military or law enforcement figures sharing a common theme. Non-standard poses are permitted.
  2. The three figures must be shown on the special 'book cover style' template shown below, with an appropriate 'title' reflecting your chosen theme. You may expand the template if your three figures do not fit.

Image Image

Challenge Rules
  1. Each participant should submit a single image.
  2. The image should be the provided book cover-style template modified to include the participant’s art.
  3. Multiple views of the same figure are not permitted.
  4. All art should be in Soldierbucket scale (15 mm = 1 Pixel), and follow the same drawing and shading rules as official Shipbucket styles.
  5. A textual description accompanying each submission is permitted, but not necessary.
  6. Non-serious entries, or entries substantially deviate from the challenge requirements, are not allowed.
  7. Off-topic posts will be reported to the relevant authorities.

This challenge will run until Sunday the 13th of August 2023, ending at 23:59 UTC-12 (International Date Line West).
A countdown timer can be found at this link.

A poll will be held after this date. Members of the Shipbucket community will have an opportunity to rate each submission. Please provide honest and meaningful scores for each entry. Responses which grant maximum scores to a select group of entries, and minimum scores to all other entries, will be deleted. Members of the community who manipulate the results in such a fashion may also be subject to a permanent ban. Scores will be allocated in two categories, each with a scale of 1 to 10:

  • Drawing Quality - The overall quality of the drawing. One might consider detailing, shading, and accuracy.
  • Design Quality -The quality of the design presented, irrespective of drawing quality. One could consider feasibility, practicality, and realism.
Kiwi Imperialist
Posts: 337
Joined: December 10th, 2014, 9:38 am

Design Requirement 2 Changed

#2 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

Design Requirement 2 Changed
I have appended the following statement to Design Requirement 2: "You may expand the template if your three figures do not fit." Participants may adjust the size of the provided template if their figures do not fit. This should ideally be used for modest changes to the template's size. It is not an excuse to draw three figures in 150 metre tall mechs which unfairly dwarf all other submissions. If you are unsure whether your entry is too much, please ask.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#3 Post by MrSinny »


Depicted on this entry are three men representing some of the most characteristic soldiers from the Edusan mid-19th century army.

The Edusan standing army was established after a crushing defeat of its unprepared and poorly trained levee forces against the North African pirates at the tail end of the 18th century. The consequences of this defeat were traumatic both for the Edusans themselves as the ensuing massacres and atrocities left a good deal of the southern coast in ruins, but also for the Edusan economy, now subject to a heavy yearly tribute under pain of seeing these events reoccur. Once the shock wore off, extensive reform efforts were undertaken and led to the creation of three infantry regiments, two cavalry regiments and two artillery regiments for its land element when the law was passed in 1811. This matter of fact stayed so until the 1861 reform which established the Edusan militia, imposed uniforms and deeply reorganized the main regiments to better adapt to the new ways of warfare coming about.
Common to all soldiers until the Revolution, be it a lowly commoner or a highborn nobleman, was a belt of golden silk, an item supposed to represent the sovereign's gift in return for the soldiers willingness to serve and sacrifice for the nation. Selling this piece of clothing while on service was considered as highly dishonorable and punished by flogging, wiping or various other forms of beating both for the seller and the merchant who accepted it.

Pictured above, from left to right are:

- A footman of the Second Palace Guard Company in guard attire, nicknamed the Blue Guard due to their garment's color (the First Company sporting a green ensemble).
The palace guard fills both the role as protectors to the Edusan monarch and as an elite infantry shock troops. Two palace guard companies existed consistently from the 1811 reform up to the 1942 communist uprising. These companies were rotated every year, one assuming front line duties while the other stood watch over the standing sovereign. This would, in theory, both keep the soldiers guards honed and ready to face any foe, but also maintain a degree of professionalism and dedication to the nation that would avoid them to delve into palace intrigue and follow the unfortunate example of groups such as the Roman praetorian guard or, of more recent memory, the Ottoman janissaries. The palace guards are armed with a saber and a pair of pistol when on guard duty while at war, their equipment is similar to the average grenadier, if not a bit fancier.

- A cavalryman of the First Company of the First Cavalry Regiment.
These horsemen are the direct heirs to the Edusan knightly men at arms. Noblemen and high bourgeois for most and expected to provide everything but their rifle, food and cartridges, these soldiers form the social and military elite of the Edusan army, bare the palace guards. The First Light Cavalry Regiment is special among all for its members are all sent to train for two years amidst Russian Don Cossack regiments. This results in an extremely effective and polyvalent if not somewhat unruly and exuberant cavalry group, adept of both dragoon, light cavalry and guerilla tactics. This is reflected in their armament: a long rifle usually slung around the horseman's back when mounted, a saber (often of shashka type but a shamshir or kilij more usually), a pair of pistols kept in saddle holsters and, for the Third Company of the First Cavalry Regiment, lances.
The Second Cavalry Regiment consisted of heavier troupes, namely hussars and cuirassiers.

- An officer of the First Infantry Company, Third Infantry Regiment.
The Edusan infantry regiments rely on a conscripted force with a mandatory three years of military service for each ten years after a man has reached it twentieth birthday and until his fortieth birthday. Mostly composed of workers and peasants unable to afford the more expensive equipment demanded of the cavalrymen, these soldiers are provided with their coat, hat, boots and weapons by the state, though they have all freedom to bring their own equipment as long as it is deemed serviceable by the company's commanding officer. This class separation amidst the Edusan army would prove to be its downfall as neither the 1861 nor the 1919 reforms would solve the issue. The soldiers of the First Infantry Company of the Third Infantry regiments would be the victims of this failure to homogenize the army when their sappers would rebel over their poor treatment and kickstart the 1942 revolution, but also cause the massacre of the whole company by cavalrymen sent to quell the revolt.
I like swords. In fact I like them so much I base my whole personality around them. And my second and third personalities too.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#4 Post by Sapphire262 »


In Alis Somniorum Ad Astra

- Starfleet motto

Founded in 2161, Starfleet Command is the deep space exploratory and defense arm of the United Federation of Planets. Its primary functions are the advancement of the Federation’s knowledge of the galaxy and its inhabitants, the facilitation of diplomacy with non-Federation powers, and the defense of the Federation, and on occasion all sentient life, from various threats.

This study explores in exacting detail the history, organization, uniforms, and equipment of Starfleet from the 13 years between the end of the Four Years War in 2258 and the V’Ger incident in 2271. Often referred to as the height of Starfleet’s ‘golden era’ this time period was home to some of the most influential events and important discoveries in Federation history, playing host to the adventures of such famous ships as the Enterprise, Kongou, Alliance, and many others.

- People-at-Arms, Starfleet Command (2258-2271), cover description

Over the course of Starfleet's long and illustrious history its members have worn a wide mix of hundreds of different uniform types and styles. Depicted here are three Starfleet officers, representing just some of the uniforms worn by members of the organization between 2258 and 2271.

From left to right, these are:

- Dress Uniform, Scorpioni Variant, Sleeveless Standard Tunic Type, Operations Division Colors, with various medals.
- Working Uniform, Humanoid Variant, Short-Sleeve Wraparound Tunic Type, Command Division Colors.
- Working Uniform, Humanoid Variant, Long-Sleeve Standard Tunic Type, Sciences Division Colors, with utility belt, communicator, and tricorder.

Starfleet uniforms are colored to represent the division within Starfleet which the crewmember works within, and have rank identified by stripes on either the sleeves or shoulders. They come in several variants, the first and most common being working uniforms. These themselves have many sub-variants, including short and long-sleeved options, high and low-collar options, and the choice between tunics and skants. Starfleet command staff, which typically comprises officers of Lieutenant grade and up, have access to an additional working uniform sub-variant if they wish - a wraparound, depicted here on the middle character, which again comes with short and long-sleeve options. The other most commonly seen variants are dress uniforms, which are worn at events of importance or ceremonial value, and jumpsuits, which are worn when a working uniform is not available, by those who don’t have uniforms but need to do work that requires one such as non-Starfleet visitors, and in various other niche applications. In addition various other uniforms are available when the situation demands it, these include lab coats, jumpsuits, medical garbs, cold and hot weather clothing such as coats, various pieces of footwear, gloves, and eye protection, and in extreme cases entire hazardous environment suits.

All Starfleet uniforms, even dress uniforms and jumpsuits, are made of many layers of various advanced and in some cases highly classified materials designed to protect the wearer. These materials allow them to safely deflect directed energy blasts of up to half a megawatt, make them almost impossible to directly pierce, and are capable of locally and highly rapidly rigidizing to spread the kinetic energy from blunt-force impacts such as gunshots over a wide area. In particularly hazardous environments, additional pieces of protective equipment such as helmets, gloves, and specialized body armor are available. When fully equipped with them a Starfleet officer or crewmember, using just a regular long-sleeve working uniform, gloves, a helmet, and a chest-mounted plate carrier, can be expected to withstand at least two to three impacts from high-power hand phasers with only moderate burn injuries. For reference, they would also be able to survive the impact of a 120mm tungsten-rod armor-piercing tank round with only moderate bruising. In fact the kinetic energy and piercing force itself from such an impact could be stopped by just the uniform shirt, however the plate carrier has built-in inertial dampers that would be needed to prevent the crewmember from being liquified by the resultant g-loading.

On top of or in addition to these uniforms, Starfleet personnel can wear various other pieces of apparel. All major Starfleet uniform variants come with a Starfleet badge, typically worn on the upper left area of one’s chest. In addition to being marked with one’s name and serial number, these badges also hold very small quantum computers and almost microscopic subspace field generators which are used to manipulate vibrations in the air in a very short radius around the wearer, allowing it to translate speech in real-time. Various medals and ribbons can also be worn on dress uniforms, which distinguish the achievements and commendations one has achieved during their service. In addition, religious items or certain utility objects such as watches may be worn as well, with the specific rules around them varying based on context. However, as a general rule, advanced electronic items like smartglasses and brain-computer interfaces, especially civilian-made ones, are not allowed unless specifically authorized by Starfleet due to the cybersecurity threat they pose.

In addition to the uniforms themselves, Starfleet personnel have access to a wide variety of different pieces of equipment to help them with their duties. The first, and perhaps most important, is the communicator, depicted here being worn on the utility belt of the leftmost figure. These devices are small, highly advanced long-range subspace transmitters, capable of real time communication over several astronomical units. They can also serve as homing beacons, allowing for transporters to effectively target and achieve a lock on someone, and can interface with other pieces of equipment to transmit data to and from them over long ranges.

Another important piece of kit is the tricorder, seen here being worn on its carry-strap by the rightmost figure. These are essentially highly miniaturized subspace sensor packages, with a wide variety of other systems as well, including broad-spectrum EM sensors and the most powerful quantum computer of its size. The utility of these devices cannot be overstated, with them allowing the Starfleet personnel operating them to for all intents and purposes see through walls, analyze the composition and structure of nearby objects, scan one's surroundings to generate a map of the terrain, and track movement or biosignatures over a long range, among many other uses.

Perhaps the most ‘flashy’ item, if the most rarely used, is the phaser. Starfleet personnel from this time period primarily use one main type of phaser, that being the Mk. 3 Mod. 2, which is composed of two separate components. The first is the Type 1 hand phaser, which is very small and highly concealable, and the second is the Type 2 amplifier, which it slots into when more power is needed. Like most phasers these operate by using nadion particles to liberate energy within a firing crystal, which is amplified and directed out of the weapon towards a target using subspace fields.

Two firing modes are available, with the first being stun. In this mode the energy generated by the phaser is modulated to interfere with a target's nervous system, temporarily disabling them. Thanks to the low power requirements of this mode, phasers set on stun are able to, if required, fire their beams in a wide arc, stunning anyone standing within a 45 degree cone in front of the weapon. In the second mode, molecular disruption, some of the nadion particles are kept within the phaser beam, hitting the target and thus liberating the strong nuclear force within their atomic structure. This causes the target to literally disassemble on a nuclear level, and thanks to interactions with the nadions and subspace eddies introduced into the beam, a significant portion of the impacted material in the target is forcefully shunted out of the space-time continuum and into subspace.

Thanks to these operating principles, phasers are capable of outputting an extraordinary amount of destructive energy onto a specific target, while not affecting much in close proximity to it. The Type 1 hand phaser used in this era is able to stun targets in a wide arc out to about a dozen meters, and can output enough energy to kill an unarmored humanoid target out to about 50 meters. When slotted into a Type 2 amplifier the wide-beam stun range is only increased to about 20 meters thanks to the limitations of the energy modulation systems used, however the lethal range in the molecular disruption mode is increased to several kilometers, and on maximum power at close range it is capable of destroying entire large buildings in a single shot.

In order to take maximum effect of these capabilities the phasers utilize an advanced targeting system that is capable of operating independently or in concert with a tricorder. This system allows the phaser to automatically search for, locate, track, and lock-on to various targets at ranges out to multiple kilometers, and a pop-up holographic HUD above the weapon allows the user to select targets and engage or disengage automatic tracking of them. Due to the limitations of mediumless holograms of this era these sights are low-resolution and monochrome, however they are adequate for the task at hand.

Finally, the rightmost figure in the cover artwork can be seen working on setting up another piece of equipment, a transporter enhancer. Transporters, used to teleport crewmembers or cargo over long distances, are somewhat difficult to accurately target when only one 'end of the line' as it where has an actual transporter pad, and in addition various forms of interference can further affect accuracy or negate their use entirely. To get around this, away teams can bring transporter enhancers with them on missions, which essentially act as a makeshift transporter pad on the other end, allowing for all the advantages gained when normally beaming from one pad to another.

This won't be part of the challenge submission, but for those of you who are curious, here is a drawing depicting all of the most commonly seen uniform variants from this era:



Okay, so, some of you may have noticed that the characters depicted here are somewhat familiar, though not to Star Trek. In short, as inspiration for this challenge I looked to a rather fantastic piece of fan-fiction written by SomePaperMoons called Second Star to the Right, which is a crossover between Star Trek TOS and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. It’s far better than you probably expect and I highly encourage everyone to go read it!

In any case, from left to right, the characters depicted are Lieutenant Scorpia De Garnet, Commander Catra Weaver, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Rogelio (the latter of whom only appears in the fanfic for one line, so I guessed a lot of things about him). They are crewmembers aboard the USS Alliance NCC-1985, a Pioneer class light cruiser, sometime around 2267. A full list of the major command staff, as best as I can tell based on what we see in the fic, is thus:

Captain Adora Grey
Commanding officer of the USS Alliance

Commander Catra Weaver
First officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Commander Glimmer Brightmoon “Sparkles”
Second officer and chief science officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Commander Entrapta
Chief engineer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Samuel Hawk “Seahawk”
Helm officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Scorpia De Garnet
Chief security officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Bow Sherwood
Communications officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Lonnie LaForge
Navigation and operations officer of the USS Alliance

Lieutenant Perfuma Flowers
Navigation and operations relief officer of the USS Alliance

Dr. Helena Mermista
Chief medical officer of the USS Alliance

Before settling on the cast that I eventually did I experimented with a number of other options, some of which you can see here:


In this version I wanted to draw a collection of starfleet uniforms from the Enterprise era all the way to the Lower Decks era, though as you can see even by this point I was aware I wanted to use the characters from She-Ra in some way. Note here however that in-universe the Gorn officer seen on the far right is not meant to be Rogelio, but some other original character like the Andorian on the left, though I used artwork of Rogelio as a reference to draw from.


In this one I briefly experimented with dropping the Star Trek aspect entirely and just drawing the She-Ra characters. Though I do like the way it turned out, in the end I think my decision to stick with the Star Trek crossover was the right one.

Oh, and one other minor note; in She-Ra Rogelio has a tail, however in Star Trek Gorns are tailless as far as I can tell, and I thought that he looked better without one in the submission image that I made, so I decided to draw him tailless. However, in the version of the image above where they are displayed in their She-Ra uniforms, I included the tail so that it would match cannon.
Last edited by Sapphire262 on May 12th, 2024, 10:54 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#5 Post by Aiseus »

Highland Armies of the Unification Wars

The Siadrian Unification Wars (1541-1573) saw the victory of the Highland Clans, led by ruling House Betani, against the Lowland Clans and the creation of a unified Kingdom of Siadria. Depicted are three soldiers of the heterogenous Highland forces during the Siadrian Unification Wars.


In order, starting from the left:

-A noble cuirassier, armored in full plate and wielding a wheellock pistol with a saber. As opposed to their Lowland contemporaries, Highland heavy cavalry had adopted the saber as their weapon of choice, using their pistol as a shock weapon at close range before entering the melee with their sabers. Her helmet is similar to the Hythrian conical helm which had grown popular in Siadrian during the Late Middle Ages, though with a ridge down the center which had become standard in Siadrian examples. It was also equipped with mail guards along the cheeks and a mask over the lower face for extra protection. Her plate armor is backed by a mail hauberk and a heavy leather tunic. Heavy cavalry would be put to good use by Highland forces during the final stage of the Unification Wars, playing a crucial part in the Highland victory at the decisive Battle of Travokra.

-A standard pikeman, equipped with a breastplate and reinforced cloth shirt. In addition to a pike, many of these troops would bring a shortsword or knife to battle for close-combat situations, as seen on his bandolier. While many infantrymen would bring helmets, hats were not uncommon, with this example being a common cylindrical felt cap. Infantry pikes had become ubiquitous across all of Siadria by the 16th century, though the ratio of pikemen/halberdiers to musketeers differed between Highland and Lowland armies, with Highland armies consisting of higher ratios of musketeers. Nonetheless, pikes remained crucial to an army's center, protecting the more vulnerable firearm-equipped infantry, and formed the backbone of both Highland and Lowland forces over the course of the conflict.

-A musketeer, with Votak pattern flintlock musket. Highland troops favored the longer, more unwieldy Votak muskets, sometimes long enough to require a stand to fire effectively, especially against the still formidable Lowland heavy infantry. About 50-60% of Highland forces consisted of muskets by the end of the Unification Wars, which proved highly effective along with the continued use of the caracole by Lowland heavy cavalry and kneeling fire tactics which had recently been adopted by Highland forces via Hythrian influence. Her helmet is atypical of most Siadrian infantry at the time, and as with most musketeers she is lightly armored, with only thick padded cloth as protection. Her cloak marks her as the leader of her section who would indicate for her line to fire and reload.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#6 Post by El_snow »

From the throes of the Cold War to the complexities of the 21st century, the Zephyrian Army, across five decades from 1970 to 2020, stood resilient, adapting to changing times and geopolitical landscapes. Discover how this unique military force evolved through five turbulent decades, encompassing the transformations in their tactics, technology, and uniforms, brought to life through detailed illustrations and expert analysis.

(Left) The 1970s saw soldiers donning ERDL camouflage, similar to U.S. special forces during the Vietnam War. Notably, the Long Range Patrol units developed a distinct preference for enemy weaponry, with a shortened version of the RPD machine gun becoming a staple.

(Right) As the Zephyrian troops were deployed across various arid and desert like countries during the Parthiginian campaign, their uniforms transformed to incorporate OCP camouflage, reflecting the changing theatre of their operations. This era also witnessed a transition in armaments, with the Zephyrian Army adopting a variety of NATO standard weapons, including the M-4 carbine.

(Center) More recently, as elite Zephyrian soldiers found themselves engaging with insurgents in dense jungle terrains, they adopted the tigerstripe camouflage, a crucial adaptation to their evolving battleground. Influenced by hard-learned lessons from the Parthiginian campaign, their weaponry also underwent significant changes, shifting to fire heavier caliber rounds.
Last edited by El_snow on August 14th, 2023, 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#7 Post by The_Sprinklez »

Uniforms of Stargate Command 1994 - 2010

Left to Right:
- Anna S. Miklosich, Captain, Atlantis Expedition (2009)
The Atlantis expedition is an international contingent of Tau'ri (Earth Humans) based in the Ancient City-ship of Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy, a satellite of the Milky Way. The expedition was active from 2004 to 2009, when Atlantis returned to Earth in order to defeat the Wraith "Super Hive."

The uniform worn by the Atlantis Expedition in the latter half of the original five-year expedition consisted of a gray zip-up jacket and gray trousers, worn with civilian tennis shoes or boots. Colored panels on the shoulders and cuffs denoted the member's branch of service (red for command, yellow for medical, blue for sciences, etc.), while a flag patch was worn on the left sleeve to denote nationality. Members of the Atlantis Expedition were typically unarmed, though drop holsters for handguns were sometimes worn in high-threat environments.

- Robert E. Brown, Technical Sergeant, SG-2 (2004)
SG-2 was one of the original nine SG teams created by presidential order after Colonel Jack O'Neill's second expedition through the Stargate to Abydos. In 2004, SG-2 was assigned to the Alpha Site on P4X-650.

While the standard USAF Woodland camouflage was worn by some SG Teams, many SG members chose instead to wear a sage green uniform with a black tactical vest overtop. The top consists of a jacket, similar in appearance to the CWU-36/P flight suit jacket, with a black tactical vest worn overtop. Trousers were also sage green, with two patch pockets on the outer thigh. Standard armament for SG teams were either Heckler & Koch MP5s (as Sergeant Brown wears) or FN P90s.

- Emma K. Revels, First Lieutenant, Icarus Base (2009)
The Icarus Base was an off-world Tau'ri base built in 2007, twenty-one light years from Earth on the planet P4X-351 in the Milky Way galaxy. Icarus Base's purpose was to attempt to dial the sole nine-chevron address found in the Ancient Database, using the planet's liquid Naquadria core to provide sufficient power. When the base came under attack by the Lucian Alliance in 2009, Dr. Nicholas Rush dialed the nine-chevron address and allowed base personnel, civilians, and researchers to escape to the Ancient vessel Destiny.

Icarus Base personnel wore uniforms unique amongst Stargate Command and U. S. Air Force personnel. They consisted of a black high-collar tunic, zipped in the front, with the wearer's surname on their right breast and rank insignia on the collar. A large Icarus Base patch adorned the left sleeve. Boots were of the standard black leather variety, with black trousers tucked neatly into them.


Didn't have as much time as I would have liked to work on this as I'm heading out of town for the majority of the challenge period, but I wanted to at least post something.
Last edited by The_Sprinklez on August 13th, 2023, 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#8 Post by VictorCharlie »


Adding to the “Men-at-Arms” series, “The American-Saderan War” was published in the later months of 2023 following the end of formal hostilities of the American-Saderan War of which the book took it’s name from.

The cover features a regular soldier of the Imperial Saderan Army. Like the armies of Classical Earth; the Saderan Imperial soldier was a professional infantryman who was issued standardized equipment. They fought with spear and sword and relied on a large heavy shield much like the Roman Legionary had. Their organization was akin to pre-industrial armies on Earth as well. Leadership positions were given less based on merit but based on status as nobility. Competent and seasoned professional soldiers would never see large unit commands beyond company-level leadership. They were notably, as were many of the human inhabitants of Sadera, much shorter than the average American.

There is also an American cavalry trooper from 4th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment “Dark Horse”. The cavalry squadron was given the honor of being the first American troops to conduct large-scale combat operations on the other side of the Gate, known to the US Army as the Gateway Network Complex. 4-9 would launch an armored recon-in-force mission starting off the American invasion of Sadera, known as Operation Doorkicker. American soldiers, both men and women, were noted as “giants” by Saderan soldiers when met up close.

The final individual on the cover is a Southwest Cholo member. While the Saderan Imperial Army was engaged by the Houston Police as well as armed citizenry, an unexpected organized fighting force was found in the Southwest Cholo gang. Numerous gates had opened in Houston to maximize the shock of invasion. A few of these gates opened in neighborhoods under the influence of this criminal organization and as a result the gang rallied, organized and even successfully conducted counter-attack actions to push Saderan forces out of their neighborhoods. Videos and images of automatic rifle wielding gangsters became unescapable on social media, and after the Houston invasion attempt had been thwarted, questions were raised as to if the Houston, Texan, or Federal authorities would come in to crack down on the various confirmed cases of illegally owned automatic firearms. However both Federal and State prosecutors stated no charges would be levied due to the outstanding circumstances which transpired.
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#9 Post by MattewEx »

Argentina's Law Enforcement Agencies

Left to Right:
-National Guard (Guardia Nacional), Border control agent
-National Police (Policia Nacional), Urban patrol division officer
-Guard of Finance (Guardia Financiera), Special Intervention Team operator (Armed w/ a CZ Evo 3 Carbine)

The National Guard is Argentina's national gendarmerie. It carries out domestic and foregin policing duties, anti-riot operations and border patrol. Is under direct control of the Ministry of Security and Borders (alongside the Coast Guard) but during war-times, they respond to the Ministry of Defence. They also serve as a military police within the Land Army, escort for the Royal Family and foreign dignataries, and over-seas Embassy protection.
The National Police is the main federal law enforcement agency, subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it provides policing duties to cities and large towns, higway and national roads patrol and security in government buildings. Alongside the Judicial Police, the Guard of Finance and the Federal Intelligence Agency, they integrate the Federal Investigation Community, wich is responsible for the intelligence recopliation, detection and neutralization of national threats and investigation of major crimes.
The Guard of Finance is responsible for dealing with financial crimes, smuggling and drug trade in all the country, under control of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Taxes. Often supports the National Taxes and Customs Agency in investigation and arrest of tax evaders and financial criminals. It integrates the Federal Investigation Community and is also responsible for policing and custom duties in airports, passenger ports, international train stations and in the case of large, high traffic border crossings, such as Port Iguazu, Posadas, Mendoza, Salto and Neuquen, they support the NG in the border control role
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Re: Men-at-Arms Challenge

#10 Post by Corp »

Going to be busy later this weekend/next week so I've decided to post now rather than later.

Made some space dudes.
Haven't had time to do a proper write up but from Left to right:
EVA Assault Suit - Armored space suit for EVA and Zero G Combat
Boarding Dress - Armored space suit designed for boarding actions.
Flight Dress - Mechanical Counter-pressure suit for vehicle crews.
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