Modern Auxiliary Challenge

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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#21 Post by LtMaverick114 »

Kristianstad class, Logistic Support Vessel

The Kristianstad class was develop for operating in coastal and warm waters of the Fryssian Antilles, Faeröer islands and Vinljund. For this reason 3 were constructed by Nuurdsee Substrootspräke Werken (Northsea Submarine Works) in Bremen. The vessel are named after the capital cities of the islands of which they are assigned to. Their main tasks are to support smaller navy ships and marines, they can replenish smaller patrol craft and minehunters with fuel, food, water and ammunition. It can act as a command center for Marine operations. Their secondary task is to provide humanitarian aid in case storms and hurricanes.

The Kristianstad class is equipped with a 20t crane to load and unload cargo from her deck and cargo holds. Its also used to lift vehicles like 4 to 10 ton trucks, RHIB and autonomous underwater vehicles. The vessels make their own fresh water and bottle it for later use or for humanitarian aid. On the front deck there is room for 12 20ft containers, these can be mission specific or filled with supplies.

- RFNS Kristianstad A442 (2011)
- RFNS St. Jæns A443 (2013)
- RFNS Tórshavn A444 (2015)

Kuban AU, Fryssia AU (with MitcheLL) and random stuff

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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#22 Post by Farooqbhai007 »

Maldeva 17,500 ton Multi role Logistics Vessel

The Maldevan navy gave a tender for a Multi role logistics vessel with a focus on tanker capabilities in the range of 16,000ton to 18,000ton. STM Turkey submitted a design of a 17,500ton Vessel that was based on their existing design of 17000ton Fleet tanker. New changes done by STM to the new design included a 2nd pair of refueling hoses to significantly improve the refueling capability.

Mitchell van Os
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#23 Post by Mitchell van Os »

Finally after hours and hours of drawing and trying to make it as realistic as possible.

My original intend was to create an Joint support Ship better than the one i currently serve on (HNLMS Karel Doorman A833).
This already grew quickly to a ship that was way more expensive and larger.

However here is the story and the ship:

The Royal Fryssian Navy and its Union needed a replacement for the 3 old CBG AOR's they currently had in their inventory.
These 3 units where of the A135 Class and employed since 1977 till 2016.

The old units where just regular large tanker that could move with the same speed as the fleet carriers that had regular engines. This speed was set around 27-28 knots.
The new CVN's however where faster and larger, their CBG also have bigger units with faster speeds.
This set the requirement for the first specs of the replacements in the A135 Class.
Besides this the world was changing and the fleets aswell. Less units but bigger, and more tasks than one.

It was thereafter decided that these ships would become JSS (Joint Support Ship) type vessels.
An ship of the class JSS can do various amount of tasks.
-Replenishment At Sea
-Transport duties
-Humanitarian duties
-Hospital duties
-Repair duties

With all these ideas packed togheter, the design board's started to draw.
Out of those plans the A170 Kopenhuuwen Class was born.

However duo to budget cuts and rising costs the class was just hold at 2 units.

*Building data*

Both ships have a Role 2 hospital with 3 surgical rooms, 10 beds for fast treatment and 35 treatment beds for post op.
They can also take an CT scan with them and employ extra fieldbeds in case of emergency
Besides these role 2 items they can also employ dentist's with 2 chairs and a x-ray. And they can treat people with deceases in quarantaine rooms.

The following depends on setup of the ship, but it indicated the maximum of each.
For support and transport these ships can hold 5x 45 foot containers outside on deck, and 4x 20 foot.
Internally they can fit 10x 20 foot containers that can be cooled or heated by power. And 10x 20 foot containers for dry storage.
They have a vehicle deck that has 2000 lane meters for trucks and cars.
Two cranes for 40 tons of carriage.
Dry ammunition/goods stores for 2000 tonnes.
7000M3 of fuel, 7000m3 Aviation fuel, 500M3 water storage. And 4 water makers with a bottle filler system

As of 2021 both units have been used in various operations.
RFNS Kopenhuuwen helped in humanitarian aid for Haiti after the hurricane in 2016
RFNS Kopenhuuwen departed with a CBG to Asia for a show of force in 2018
RFNS Helsingborg helped the Kariibisk eilunen Friislon against sars-covid-19 in 2020
RFNS Helsingborg departed to West Africa to distribute and perform vaccination duties against sars-covid-19 in 2021

Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#24 Post by TimothyC »

For anyone watching the thread, my entry here has been radically reworked:

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐄𝐓- 𝑻𝒐 𝑪𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#25 Post by td_07 »

APDAF wrote: June 9th, 2021, 3:28 pm The DSRVs of the first boat the Mercy are named "Faith, Hope and Charity" respectively. "
A homage to Hel Far, perhaps?
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#26 Post by Skyder2598 »

T-160 class, multirole fleet support vessel

The T-160 class is a multirole fleet support vessel. It can carry fuel or other liquid supplies as well as
non-containerized and containerized cargo.
As secondary role the ship can be used for sea to shore missions thanks to the large well deck,
which can house a LCAC or 2 landing craft. The well deck can also be used as additional cargo storrage.


best regards

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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#27 Post by acelanceloet »

The Joint Logistics Support Ship (commonly abbriviated as JLOS) Zuiderkruis was an unique ship, designed and build for the Royal Netherlands Navy. The ship was developed to support military operations of the Netherlands armed forces and it's allies. The ship could replenish other ships at sea, could transport and unload vehicles and materials all over the world and operate and maintain vertical takeoff aircraft, both the helicopters normally operated from ships and the helicopters designed to operate from land.

The Zuiderkruis reached operational status in 2016 and was the biggest ship ever comissioned into the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#28 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

Built to a unique design by Fincantieri, Toliara is the latest addition to the Malagasy fleet. It is a replenishment oiler acquired to support international deployments and anti-piracy operations of the Horn of Africa. The vessel was commissioned in 2020 as a replacement for three smaller auxiliaries which survived the 1990s civil war. Toliara is one of the largest naval ships in Madagasikara’s history, second only to the Royal Merina Navy’s battlecruiser Radama I.

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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#29 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

Polls Now Open

The submission period for this challenge has concluded. Members of the community can now rate each entry by completing this poll. If you are interested in choosing the topic of the next challenge, a separate single-question poll with three options is now open. Both polls will remain open until 23:59 UTC-12, 17 June 2021. That is four days from now (Countdown Timer).
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Re: Modern Auxiliary Challenge

#30 Post by heuhen »

I totally forgot it was a modern challenge.... I had a different drawing on my computer for that :lol: :lol:

Oh well.. if I get any points, it's a win for me
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