RSS Emperor of Nimskraus

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RSS Emperor of Nimskraus

#1 Post by Skibud1998 »

Here is an Ocean Liner I recently just completed; for my fictional AU country. I will update this more when I get the time to. Do to school a lot of my creativity for lore is out the window right now.

As for other information, I will update that in within the day or so. Let me know your thoughts on my Liner. Thank you!


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Re: RSS Emperor of Nimskraus

#2 Post by Novice »

A very nice looking liner, but I think that more ventilators in area of the funnels will be more fitting. The ventilators were used for drawing air into the engine/boilers rooms as well. More ventilators, will cause an increase in speed. I'm not an engineer, so maybe more learned people here can explain it better.
But the fact remains: you should have more vents, see the RMS Titanic drawing for instance.
Image Thank you Kim for the crest

"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"
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Re: RSS Emperor of Nimskraus

#3 Post by Skibud1998 »

I had a lot of vents before but when I put the lifeboats in it covered them if that makes sense? But I will see to more. The Titanic is a newer liner by like 12 years so I am sure I can probably look at the contemporary liners and base them off that.

Thank you though!
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