For variety's sake: A pre-pre-dreadnought, one of Britain's earlies turret ships: HMS Neptune
Ordered by Brazil as Independencia, she was purchased by the RN in 1878 when war with Russia seemed imminent. The war could be averted, and the RN was stuck with a less than satisfying vessel. She carried four 305mm (or 317mm, sources vary, the latter sounding more likely) rifled muzzle loaders in huge twin turrets with rather limited arcs, two 234mm bow chasers in casemates and three twenty-pounder broadside guns on each side; the smaller guns also were all muzzle loaders. Protection was extensive, the citadel having 254mm iron plating right to upper deck level. Unfortunately, armament, protection, superstructure and a heavy ship rig created extensive topweight, and she was a bad roller with poor maneuverability.
In the mid-1880s, the rig was cut down, and the light guns were replaced with 8 57mm and 6 47mm breach-loaders; these changes brought a slight improvement in seakeeping, but the ship remained unpopular.
She was placed in reserve in 1893 and scrapped in 1903.