Design Requirements
- Your submission must depict a revolver designed between 1836 and 1912.
- The revolver should be a handgun.
- Pepper-box revolvers with a set of revolving barrels are excluded.
- Turret guns, where the chambers rotate about an axis perpendicular to the barrel, are not allowed.
- A stock is permitted if the stock is a detachable non-permanent addition to the gun, and if the revolver is usable without the stock.
Challenge Rules
- Each participant must submit one image.
- The image should be a Shipbucket template modified to include the participant’s art. Templates which include a data sheet are allowed.
- One right-facing side view of the participant's revolver is permitted in the image.
- A textual description accompanying each submission is allowed, but not necessary.
- Off-topic posts will be reported to the relevant authorities.
- All art should be in gunbucket scale (1 inch = 20 pixels).
This challenge will run until the 15th of August, ending at 23:59 UTC-12 (International Date Line West).
A countdown timer can be found at this link. Alternatively, find out the time and date in your time zone at the bottom of this post.
A poll will be held after this date. Members of the Shipbucket community will have an opportunity to score, on a scale of 1 to 10, each submission in three categories. They are as follows:
- Drawing Quality - The overall quality of the drawing. One might consider detailing, shading, and accuracy.
- Design Realism - How realistic is the design presented? Any accompanying text may be considered.
- Originality - Does the submission present a new and unique design, or is it a copy of an existing one?
Please attempt to provide an honest evaluation of each participant's submission. Some people put a lot of effort into these challenges, so avoid using a 1 when a higher score is more appropriate. Poll responses which favour a small group of entries with maximum scores in all categories and provide minimum scores to all other entries will be excluded from the final results.
If you have a suggestion for the next challenge, please visit the future challenge ideas thread. Don't be afraid to repeat someone else's suggestion as it helps me gauge the popularity of the each suggestion.
When does this challenge end in my timezone?
UTC-12: August 15, 23:59 (Official Deadline)
UTC-11: August 16, 00:59
UTC-10: August 16, 01:59 (Hawaii Standard Time)
UTC-9: August 16, 02:59
UTC-8: August 16, 03:59 (Pacific Standard Time)
UTC-7: August 16, 04:59 (Mountain Standard Time)
UTC-6: August 16, 05:59 (Central Standard Time)
UTC-5: August 16, 06:59 (Eastern Standard Time)
UTC-4: August 16, 07:59 (Atlantic Standard Time)
UTC-3: August 16, 08:59
UTC-2: August 16, 09:59
UTC-1: August 16, 10:59
UTC: August 16, 11:59 (Greenwhich Mean Time)
UTC+1: August 16, 12:59 (Central European Time)
UTC+2: August 16, 13:59 (Central European Summer Time)
UTC+3: August 16, 14:59
UTC+4: August 16, 15:59
UTC+5: August 16, 16:59
UTC+6: August 16, 17:59
UTC+7: August 16, 18:59
UTC+8: August 16, 19:59 (Australian Western Standard Time)
UTC+9: August 16, 20:59
UTC+10: August 16, 21:59 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
UTC+11: August 16, 22:59
UTC+12: August 16, 23:59 (New Zealand)
UTC+13: August 17, 00:59
UTC+14: August 17, 01:59 (Line Islands)