Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#11 Post by HyperHiggsHelix »

Just a small error, the flag is lower and a bit larger.
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#12 Post by Novice »

Still the poop lifeboat davits is wrong.
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#13 Post by Thiel »

You're missing the steering gear housing on the poop deck.

I've seen her in real life and she's quite the sight to behold
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#14 Post by reytuerto »

Welcome to the bucket, Frigate.
I think that one of the estays of the bowsprit is missing (4 instead of 5). The flag must fly from the gaff (el palo de la cangreja), not from the top-mast. Cheers.
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