Just something that came up on another board recently:
Stuart Slade on HPCA wrote:
It's much, much better than that. Over on the Warships Project Board, the idea of an eight-Dora battleship came up and somebody worked out a rough "design" to show what would be involved in such a ship. The resulting design came out as a 700,000 tonner that the poster jokingly called the H-45. Then, a wunderwaffe author called David Porter came along, saw it and decided it was just what he needed to complete his latest book about Nazi superweapons and included it as a genuine project. Then, somebody took the information from that book and used it for a Wikipedia article. Despite people telling said person that the data was false and showing where it came from, the idiot kept re-inserting it on the grounds that nobody could prove it didn't exist.
Lazer_one wrote:Yes! I know the story...and I am drawing my H45: let's call she H46!
BTW the planes are real!
Do you have them in your sheets?
I know the planes are real, and yes I have the image saved. I apologize if I had inadverantly insulted you, as that was not my intention. My primary intention was to make sure that people who didn't know the story would be exposed to it.
I do think that the quality of the drawing is magnificent, even though the content is quite silly.
Don't worry: you was not insulting me... And some member should learn from you how to correctly deal!
About the planes: let me know wether you need. Shape and size is correct, color is coming from my fantasy thinking on an impossible KM Luftwaffe
For DKM Luftwaffe: How about standard feldgrau or light gray on top with the same light blue underside used on the Arado floatplanes? Can't wait to see the finished H45!
I working on the bridge...
I am thinking to use British radar equipments because it happened that HMS Manchester Commander tryed to scuttle the ship without success because Italian units pushed to low waters giving the opportunity to Italian engineers to get and study the british electronic equipments...