You must have an enemy! no matter how weak or unlikely other wise the treasury will win...I am well aware that my navy does not have an enemy.
Originally I wanted to make one up, ......The people fear that Europeans will come and again try to take our land again.
Then Navy reason for existence is to keep people from doing any gunboat politics on them.
The only Power that has the means to sail all the way to them and conduct sustained operations is the Royal Navy.
They have the units and the refuelling base network to make it work.
In this case the RN is fine (it worked in part for USN in 20s/30s) I would suggest dusting off risk fleet ideas .
Then set a RN fleet you might face? Say a fast fleet of Hood,R&R and Tiger or anything you get to set doctrine its not really an issue as many navy's had complete S*** in OTL WWI HSF and WWII IJN to name only two.
It just should be over exact and have scientific ratios and numbers so none experts cant really debate it.
I think you are misunderstanding,27000t is not a lot to work with. It gives on 22000t purpose build carrier or two 12500t carriers
At 12500t were are looking at a ship that is a bit on the small side. South East Pacific is not that calm of a area to sail on.
So the idea of having all 3 ships converted is looking promising.
WNT gives a limit of 27,000t per ship for CVs, but you (well IJN/USN) are allowed two conversions at 33,000t.
You will also have a total tonnage limit and the 12,000t old CV will count to that but you can scrap her (or just remove flight deck and call her a support ship) at any time due to experimental clause.
They where broke and didn't have the cash to build anything anyway, they had already stopped building programs so lost nothing by signing, you have 3 ships big building so are very much not the same. They also did not build any CVs apart from Béarn in 1927. (and she is really not a first line CV with 21Kn)France and Italy kept their 305mm ships in the WNT.
Not really cost will make the tiger much cheaper to run due to lower crew numbers and realistically in a single battle she would win as she can hold the range and kill with much more powerful weapons. The only advantage of the Indefatigable is being in two places at once for trade protection but even then at 26Kn she is to slow to hunt down 1920s CAs/Cls so is less of a threat than Tiger and some Cls with radios.Trading the two Indefatigable class for one Tiger is hardly worth it in my mind. Two ships are always better then one.
This part on CAs is post WNT planning but,
The thing is everybody (in treaty) went to 8" and 10,000t (or close + or -) in OTL in 1920s, I think you will follow them.Thing is I was never sold on 8'' treaty cruiser. A smaller gun(175-191mm) are just a bit less potent that a 200-203mm and you can put as much of them on your ship and still have armour rated for 203mm fire. A balance 203mm design would have 6 guns on 10000t.
A balance 10000t 175-191mm gun design can have 8-10 guns.
It would be an equal to the large cruisers in existence Hawkins Atlanta, or planned Furukata Exeter.
A balanced 175mm design will be in trouble v an 8" unbalanced ship, I just don't think you can provide protection from 8" shells on 10,000t (with speed etc).
I think cruiser wise the choice is 6" with or without hand loading working or 8" without. (note RN 7.5" failed and I would start to copy 1930 USSR navy with 7.1")
You will have 6" CLs from WWI for fleet work and 6" AMCs can be built in war time so I think you will like OTL powers build 8" CAs as effectively second class battleships and trade protection flagships.
Since you opponent is the RN you need to plan fighting a force of 8x8" 'Counties' a 140mm-155mm will not cut it...
The 1908 ships are going to be replaced by 1928 (inside WNT building holiday time frame! The ships will need laying down in 1925) so you need to plan it now at the WNT conference!The two ship left from the 1908 program will be scraped in later half of 1920's. Till that time they will not get any serious rebuilds.
At that time thoughts of building replacement for them will be contemplated.
1911 ships are weaker, yes They will be replaced but not soon. Replaced in the mid 1930's. This is quite a problem actually.
Mid 1930 4 Battleships and 2 BC will be retiring at this point it will be a block obsolescent. Six capital ships will be going to the breakers. If it would be economically doable at that time it would be good to have them replaced with 3-4 Treaty battleships.
The two 380mm are not contemporaries to the QE or the Arizona.
They are contemporary to Fuso, Renown, and later standard.
Those are 1916 designs.
They will be looking at replacements in late 1930 beginning or early 1940.
Yes in hindsight that 1940 building program will not happen as there will be a war on. And the planers will likely want to wait and she what they can learn form English Germans Japanese and Americans bashing each other.
But this is not known to the people running the navy now. They have no fore knowledge, we do.
'block obsolescent' was the result for everybody....
Thinking in 1921 WNT was a building scheduled from 1931-42 for all the power setting out replacements for all the ships they had.(this later got changed at LNT)
I still think your very weak with only two really good gun ships (one might be in dock at any time) combine this with no 'post Jutland ships' and I think you can realistically ask to early replace the 1908 BC with two of the building ships with 380mm guns. I think any 1921 navy will go for this over very unproven aircraft.
How did you get 9x15" and 31Kn and battleship protection on them in 1918, on 32000t? (in late 30s with much better engines RN couldn't get that speed on 35,000t)There is no need to add more protection. They are balanced designs. More small fast battleships then battlecruisers.
And finally,
I would suggest its more to "keep people from doing any gunboat politics on them" and protect inter island trade than an invasion that's very unlikely? In that case I don't think you need the TB (save cash) just a fleet in being that looks strong, ie massively top heavy with just a few BCs/BBs is OK as it shows the flag well and makes you look like a proper rich developed civilised power to the White Europeans. (remember this is 1920s its not really about fighting more prestige)This navy is not an offensive weapon. Its about contesting any invasion attempt. The BC will not be the scout force, the light cruisers are. The BC are a force multiplier for torpedo boats.
This is a brown water navy. The blue water compliment is for getting from one island they hold to the next.
Hope you don't mind me adding my contrary thought its quite fun and good luck drawing.