Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

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Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

#1 Post by Leafent »


This is a pre dreadnought BB I made. I based it off the Duncan class, and the backstory is that it is delivered to Greece in about 1905. I have had a nasty time with the ships boats, and have left off completing the top handrail for that reason. It is pretty bland, but I don't know how to go about fitting it out any more. Advice welcome.
Last edited by Leafent on September 28th, 2015, 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Pre Dreadnought Battleship

#2 Post by JSB »

Welcome :D

It look quite sensible so why not just add details to finish it
(you could borrow them from other ships. especially if you credit them as you have done for Jabba)
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Re: Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

#3 Post by Leafent »


Hopefully, this the final verison. I adjusted the masts and made the conning tower slightly bigger.
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Re: Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

#4 Post by Novice »

A nice effort here, well drawn.
I'm no authority on battleships of the era, so I can't comment on the ship itself.
You do however miss some connections in the wire from the fore mast to the bows. There is also some stray pixels floating above the lifeboats, just behind the aft funnel.
Some mooring bits are also missing from your ship, as well as navigation lights, and some more ventilators, especially near the funnels. I suggest you look at pictures of ships from the era, as well as Real Life ships drawn by the Shipbucket community
I also would like to know the function of the small thing above the bridge.
Image Thank you Kim for the crest

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Re: Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

#5 Post by odysseus1980 »

Welcome to Shipbucket firstly Leafent.

It is always nice to see something related to my home country. Also my knowledge for ships of the era is limited, but she is a really handsome ship. Do you have any specifications for her?
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Re: Pre Dreadnought Battleship Athens

#6 Post by Leafent »


I made some adjustments that people suggested. Oh, and by the way here are the guns.

2 double 12 inch Mk IX gun turrets

14 BL 6-inch Mk VII naval guns

10 QF 3-pounder Hotchkiss
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