Federal Republic of Denton

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#201 Post by pegasus206 »

Very nice work ezgo

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#202 Post by ezgo394 »

Thanks guys :) .

I'm just kind of jumping around, so here's some things I completed a few weeks ago.
The first one is a 43' Utility Boat, used for inland operations (on the lakes) and inshore locations (close to shore). There are 42 of these particular boats, built in the late 70s, and used by the Denton Coast Guard. I haven't got specs, other than it's 43ft and will hit 25kts.
The next two are lifeboats, based on that of the Trent and Severn class. The size and the specifications are just about the same as the boats they're based on. Both boats are developed and built in a joint project between Salide and Denton. They are both built in the early 1990s until the early 2000s (full specs to come later as I get more work done).
There are 12 of the 46' lifeboat and 16 of the 54' lifeboat in service around Denton. There are 24 lifeboat stations posted around the eastern and western island. (I haven't figured any for the outlying islands yet).
128 Vessels -

42 Utility Boat
28 Lifeboats
6 Sea-Going Bouy Tenders
4 Coastal/Inland Bouy Tenders
4 High Endurance Cutters
6 Medium Endurance Cutters
12 Coastal Cutter
18 Coastal Cutter
6 Hydrographic Survey Vessels
2 Icebreakers
Salide - Denton - The Interrealms

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#203 Post by odysseus1980 »

Very nice lifeboats.

Concerning your Coast Guard list, I see the CG has also the hydrographic duties.
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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#204 Post by eswube »

Great additions! :D
One thought on 43ft utility boat - maybe I'm wrong but it's draught look quite significant for an inshore vessel.
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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#205 Post by ezgo394 »

Thanks! :)
@odysseus: Yeah, I figured it makes sense. The actual map and document publishing will be done by the Denton Hydrographic Service, which is a branch of the Coast Guard itself.

@eswube: The draft on the 43' UTB is about 3'6" to 4'. I based this on the USCG 41' UTB which has about the same draft (4'2").
Salide - Denton - The Interrealms

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#206 Post by odysseus1980 »

Japanese Coast Guard has also Hydrographic Service, so there is at least one Coast Guard in real World with that service.

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#207 Post by ezgo394 »

Next set of ships for Denton. Denton operates 4 icebreakers, 2x large CODLOG Icebreakers and 2x smaller research icebreakers, one for the Arctic and one for Antarctica.

These are the two large CODLOG icebreakers, Eitu and Alessia. They were named after the first two Dentonite ships to reach and explore the Antarctic in 1938-1939. The two ships are a part of the same class, but have some major differences. Eitu is primarily focused on station supply and keeping lanes open, while Alessia is more geared toward research, which is evident in the extra lab and accommodation space. The ships originally carried 2x AAC Ranger helicopters, but after field trials, the Donnelley GH-3 Gyrodyne proved to be more reliable in cold weather, as well as less maintenance intensive. Eitu carries 2 and Alessia carries 3.

Eitu and Alessia Icebreaker
Builder: East Haven National Shipyard
Build Date: 1982
Launched: 1985
Length: 438ft
Beam: 94ft
Draught: 31ft
Max Speed: 18kt max, 3knt in 2.5m ice
Propulsion: 6x Diesel Engines 5000hp, 3x Gas Turbine 40,500 hp, turning 3x 17ft 4-blade props in a CODLOG configuration
Ice Class: LL9
Tonnage: 17,040 tons
Endurance: 7.0 months
142 Crew
50 (Eitu)/ 80 (Alessia) Scientists
40 passengers
12 (Eitu)/ 18 (Alessia) Gyrodyne Detachment
Aircraft Carried: 2 (Eitu)/ 3 (Alessia) Donnelley GH-3 Gyrodyne.

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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#208 Post by odysseus1980 »

:) :) Nice IB, they have something from Russian lines, but their own character as well. I like on the Eitu the amidships space for load.
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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#209 Post by Novice »

Very, very nice icebreakers, EZ.
I think they would benefit from a front propeller, like the one found on some icebreakers. This front propellers helps in stirring, as well as propulsive power.
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Re: Federal Republic of Denton

#210 Post by ezgo394 »

Thanks guys!
@Novice: We had that discussion a while back in the Salide thread.

Not sure, what's up next, but it is an icebreaker for sure.
Salide - Denton - The Interrealms

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