Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Progress wrote:it seems to me that the fwd cranes are unable to handle aircrafts (they can´t reach the "aircraft handling area"). I´m not sure of relying on a single crane, that can hinder seaplanes recovery if become unserviceable
The biggest problem is that I can't seem to fit a hangar, the crane where it was originally fitted and the 4in guns. I understand what you mean, but I think the benefits of having the hangar available post-upgrade would probably outweigh the potential disadvantages of having just the stern crane. In the AU by the time the upgrade occurs a proper carrier is under development (or at least under conversion) so HMRS Remark would become more of a supplement rather than the main aviation capable ship. It would be a less than perfect ship but that's not always a bad thing in an AU, but having said that if you can suggest anything that would alleviate the problem I'm all ears
BCRenown wrote:My only suggestion would be a low bulwark extending aft from the break of the forecastle as per the Bathurst class corvettes/minesweepers.
Unfortunately I'm away from home so can't do any drawing for the next week but when I get back I'll look in to it