Shipbucket Veterans

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Re: Shipbucket Veterans

#31 Post by sailor82 »

Tin can sailor, retired from the USN 13 years ago.
Posts: 56
Joined: January 14th, 2011, 3:49 am
Location: Pennsylvania

Re: Shipbucket Veterans

#32 Post by Ollie »

No military service myself, but a fair number of relatives have served. My cousin is a Captain and pilot in the USAF, my uncles (father's brothers) both served in Vietnam, one was an Air Force Intelligence Officer and the other was a Navy Medic attached to the USMC unit at Con Thien. My grandfather on my mother's side was in the US Army in the late 50s and early 60s. My great-uncle was also in the US Navy during WWII, I got his medals and dog tags after he passed away a number of years ago. I also know of relatives who fought on the Union side of the American Civil War.
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