Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#331 Post by Trojan »

Outstanding job!
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#332 Post by sebu »

This is pure gold! Personally, I think the advanced Tempest is one of coolest AU fighter drawings/designs in whole internet.
It's really a skill to produce something new or recognizable from familiar "features". The Beatles did it once ;)
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#333 Post by apdsmith »

Hi Rowdy,

Well, to be honest, you could fudge the rate of climb numbers and "classify" them at 50,000+ ft/min - the last time I checked, for instance, the RAF publishes neither service ceiling nor rate of climb for the Typhoon. (Well, either that or my google-fu sucks)

Agree re combat radius, though the major change in terms of increasing range would be switching from turbojets to low-bypass turbofans, I'm not sure if you have already done this? I seem to recall that the proposed engine change for the USAF KC-135 resulted in a huge thrust improvement (roughly double, iirc) and a 25% lower rate of fuel consumption - obviously it's not going to be directly comparable because those are nowhere near the size of a KC-135 but I think the timeline is plausible, if a little late, for the final versions of the Tempest to switch from turbojet to turbofan?

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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#334 Post by Rowdy36 »

Thanks for the very kind words! :D

Yeah I think I might change the climb rate to your suggestion, it should cover both bases nicely. The Tempest has always used turbofans with engines of similar vintage to the GE F404 used on the F/A-18 so I imagine the improvements coming about from the switch to a more powerful engine will be less extreme than that brought about from a switch from turbojet to turbofan. Since I don't really know anything specific about engine performances I might just leave those stats as they are, but I appreciate the feedback :)
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#335 Post by Rowdy36 »

The second jet fighter in RRAF service, the Hale Hurricane:



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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#336 Post by Trojan »

Really great work Rowdy. Reminds me of a cross between a Supermarine Swift and a Grumman Cougar.
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#337 Post by Cascadia »

Trojan wrote:Really great work Rowdy. Reminds me of a cross between a Supermarine Swift and a Grumman Cougar.
My first impression was, that a Grumman Tig fell in love with a Saab Lansen.
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#338 Post by BCRenown »

Yup, cannot think of a single mod I would make to that beauty. Added to my Rowdy file - double quick.
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#339 Post by Gollevainen »

Really great design, nicely blending various western design features into a working combination. Cant wait for the the next generation Typhoons
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Re: Commonwealth of Recherche in FD

#340 Post by Hood »

Wow, you've done it again!! Another perfect AU design. I really like this one, it just looks so period. I can see elements that remind me of the Swift, Hunter, F-100, Lansen, A-4 and XF-93 in there somewhere.
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