Yes, this would be our main intention, give the frames for artists to work inside with.- Generally, the style rules should discriminate between minimum requirements and a limit on how far one may go, and everything between these extremes is cool.
Well these are the exact questions why Im starting to think SB should be devolped into direction where duplicate drawings could co-exist, so to reduce people getting pissed off by pure and honest intentions. We take pride over our previous work in variable decree, and different personalities seems to react differntly over these issues. In past we have had some drama over this, and thus the sensitivity has occured. But also, since we are getting older and older by each year, some of these orginal artists have dissapeared from the community, and it gets pretty dragging to trying to apply similar gentleman principles for their work, as we are now holding.And, there is one question that bothers me: So far, a ship that has been drawn 'belongs' to the original author and any scratch redraw is considered a hostile act (sort of) even if the drawing is old, outdated or even faulty. I am not sure whether this rule applies to sister ships or renderings of the same ship in an earlier or later stage of its career? Can they be drawn from scratch without permission from the original artist?
Usually the practice in these cases has been that the adm. gives the permission to redo such ships.
But definetly this is important issue that should be added to the rules, what ever we decide the ultimate protocol to be. It is paramount that we have some protocol atleast.