What up Guys, I did my best to design the ship taking as a guide the heuhen model, I receive any constructive opinion to improve my design. Realy hope your like it http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o717/Frigate88/B.A.P.%20Unioacuten_zpsezxaghpa.png http://photos.marinetraffic.com/ais/showphoto ...
Hi Everyone... Dear, I would like to know how you can design this type of ships and similar warships, usually I make corrections with Windows Pain but it is not very efficient. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/BAP_Uni%C3%B3n_arribando_al_Callao.jpg/1200px-BAP_Uni%C3%B3n ...
Dear Shipbuckets: Already a year ago the Instruction school ship B.A.P. Unión fron the peruvian marine was launched into the sea, since then I was trying to find a drawing of its design and manufacture. I would like to know if anyone could help me with the design. http://www.cronicaviva.com.pe/wp- ...