Search found 3 matches

by the_big_m_in_ok
November 18th, 2010, 11:07 pm
Forum: Personal Designs
Topic: US Multi-Purpose Escort
Replies: 11
Views: 17587

Re: US Multi-Purpose Escort

Since when do they design ships for the comfort of the crew? They need to take crew comfort into account in wartime, since a bone-tired crew can't fight with their ship effectively if they haven't had a chance to get enough rest. This is very, very important in wartime periods. That aside, during a ...
by the_big_m_in_ok
November 16th, 2010, 3:56 am
Forum: Never-Built Designs
Topic: Guardian class Fast Patrolboat
Replies: 5
Views: 11519

Re: Guardian class Fast Patrolboat

A little something I dug up half a year ago or so. Guardian.png Personally, I'm not too fond of the design. Despite what Danish Yacht claims, it seems very limited in what it can do, since it doesn't have any utility space, the closest it comes is the RHIB launching area. As far as I can see it's ...
by the_big_m_in_ok
November 16th, 2010, 3:15 am
Forum: Personal Designs
Topic: US Multi-Purpose Escort
Replies: 11
Views: 17587

Re: US Multi-Purpose Escort

My first posting on the new forum, woo-hoo! A long time ago I drew (freehand) a concept of a ship based on the US Perry class frigates, but half the size. Here's an update. I've penciled vertical-view line drawings of frigates like ...